[Haskell-cafe] A composable, local graph representation as an open discussion

Johan Holmquist holmisen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 14:17:40 UTC 2016

The paper "Functional programming with structured graphs" might be of
interest to you. It describes a way to build graphs with references   back
and forth.

Can't provide link because my phone hides it...

Den 24 okt. 2016 14:57 skrev "David Rogers" <predictivestatmech at gmail.com>:

> Haskell-Cafe:
>   I have been working on the following idea, and would appreciate
> any comments on the novelty or usefulness in your own applications.
> A scan of the usual Haskell documents turns up lots of clever data
> structures, but nothing particularly enlightening for graphs.
> Here is my attempt:
>   Graphs are difficult to represent in functional languages
> because they express arbitrary undirected connectivity between nodes,
> whereas functional code naturally expresses directed trees.
>   Most functional algorithms for graphs use an edge-list
> with global labels.  Although effective, this method
> loses compositionality and does not exploit the type system
> for enforcing graph invariants such as consistency of the edge list.
>   This note presents a functional method for constructing
> a local representation for undirected graphs functionally as
> compositions of other graphs.  The resulting data structure
> does not use unique node labels, but rather allows edge traversal
> from any node to its neighbor through a lookup function.
> Graph traversal then emerges as a discussion among static
> nodes.  I have found this method useful for assembling sets
> of molecules in chemical simulations.  It's also an interesting
> model for framing philosophical questions about the measurement
> problem in quantum physics.
>   As a disclaimer, although it is useful for constructing graphs,
> it is not obvious how common operations like graph
> copying or node deletion could be performed.  This note
> does not discuss how to implement any graph algorithms.
> import qualified Prelude
>> import Prelude hiding ((.))
>> import Data.Semigroup(Semigroup,(<>))
>> import Data.Tuple(swap)
>   First, I change the meaning of "." to be element access.
> I think this is a cleaner way to work with record data,
> and suggest that there should be a special way to use this
> syntax without making accessor names into global variables.
> infixl 9 .
>> a . b = b a -- switch to member access
>   Every subgraph has open ends, which we just number
> sequentially from zero.  The lookup function
> provides the subgraph's window to the outside world.
> Its inputs reference outgoing connections.
> A subgraph, built as a composite of two
> subgraphs, will have the job of providing the correct
> lookup environment to both children.
> type Conn = Int
>> newtype Lookup l = Lookup ( Conn -> (l, Lookup l) )
>   The tricky part is making the connections between
> the internal and external worlds.  For the internal nodes to be complete,
> they must have access to complete external nodes.  The problem
> is reversed for the external nodes.
>   A naive idea is to represent a graph using
> a reader monad parameterized over label
> and result types (l,r).
>  -- newtype Grph l r = Reader (Int -> (l, Lookup)) r
> Unfortunately, this breaks down
> because the outside world also needs to be able to
> `look inside' the subgraph.  The above approach runs into trouble
> when constructing the lookup function
> specific to each child.  That lookup function needs the outside world,
> and the outside world can't be completed without the
> ability to look inside!
>   We capitulate to this symmetry between the graph and its environment
> by using a representation of a subgraph that provides
> both a top-down mechanism for using the graph
> as well as a bottom-up representation of the subgraph
> to the outside world.
> data Grph l r = Grph { runGrph :: Lookup l -> r,
>>                        self    :: Conn -> Lookup l -> (l, Lookup l),
>>                        nopen   :: Int
>>                      }
>   The default action of `running' a graph is to run a local action
> on each node.  That local function has access to the complete
> graph topology via the lookup function.
> Since we expect this to be a fold, the result type will
> probably be a monoid, or at least a semigroup.
> Any sub-graph can be run by specifying what to
> do with incomplete connections.  At the top-level, there
> should not be `open' connections.
> --run g = (g.runGrph) $ Lookup (\ _ -> error "Tried to go out of
> top-level.")
>> run g = (g.runGrph) $ u
>>         where u = Lookup $ \ _ -> ("end", u)
>   Individual nodes are themselves subgraphs.
> Nodes must specify how many external connections
> can be made, as well as an arbitrary label and an action.
> node :: Int -> l -> ((l, Lookup l) -> r) -> Grph l r
>> node n l run = Grph (\e -> run (l, e)) (\_ e -> (l, e)) n
>   Arbitrary graphs are constructed by joining two subgraphs.
> The key here is the construction of separate lookup
> environments for the each subgraph.  The left subgraph
> can be connected to the first few openings in the environment
> or to the right subgraph.  The right subgraph can connect
> to the last few openings of the environment, or to the
> left subgraph.  Each time an edge is traversed,
> a series of "env" calls are made -- sweeping upward
> until an internal connection happens.  Then a downward
> sweep of "self" calls are made.  This takes at best
> O(log|nodes|) operations.
>   Connections are specified by (Conn,Conn) pairs,
> so we need the ability to lookup from the permutation
> or else to return the re-numbering after subtracting
> connections used by the permutation.
> type Permut = [(Conn, Conn)]
>> find_fst :: Conn -> Permut -> Either Conn Conn
>> find_fst = find1 0 where
>>     find1 n a ((a',b):tl) | a == a' = Left b -- internal
>>     find1 n a ((a',_):tl) | a' < a  = find1 (n+1) a tl
>>     find1 n a (_:tl)                = find1 n a tl
>>     find1 n a []                    = Right (a-n) -- external
>> find_snd b p = find_fst b (map swap p)
> -- append 2 subgraphs
>> append :: (Semigroup r) => Permut -> Grph l r -> Grph l r -> Grph l r
>> append p x y = Grph { runGrph = \(Lookup env) ->
>>                                 (x.runGrph) (e1 env)
>>                              <> (y.runGrph) (e2 env),
>>                       self  = down,
>>                       nopen = (x.nopen) + (y.nopen) - 2*(length p)
>>                     }
>>             where
>>                   down n (Lookup env) | n < ystart  = (x.self) n (e1 env)
>>                   down n (Lookup env) = (y.self) (n-ystart) (e2 env)
>>                   e1 env = Lookup $ \n -> case find_fst n p of
>>                         Right m -> env m
>>                         Left  m -> (y.self) m (e2 env)
>>                   e2 env = Lookup $ \n -> case find_snd n p of
>>                         Right m -> env (m+ystart)
>>                         Left m -> (x.self) m (e1 env)
>>                   ystart = (x.nopen) - length p -- start of b's env. refs
>   This is a helper function for defining linear graphs.
> instance Semigroup r => Semigroup (Grph l r) where
>>   (<>) = append [(1,0)]
>   A simple action is just to show the node labels and
> the labels of each immediate neighbor.
> show_node (l, Lookup env) = " " ++ show l
>> show_env  (l, Lookup env) = show l
>>             ++ foldl (++) (":") (map (\u -> show_node(env u)) [0, 1])
>>             ++ "\n"
>   The following example graphs are a list of 4 single nodes,
> two incomplete 2-member chains, and a complete 4-member cycle.
> The key feature here is that that the graphs are all composable.
> c6 = [ node 2 ("C"++show n) show_env | n <- [1..4] ]
>> str  = c6!!0 <> c6!!1
>> str' = c6!!2 <> c6!!3
>> cyc = append [(1,0), (0,1)] str str' -- Tying the knot.
>> main = putStrLn $ run cyc
>   The connection to the measurement problem in quantum physics
> comes out because the final output of running any graph
> is deterministic, but can depend nontrivially on the graph's environment.
> Like links in the graph, physical systems communicate through
> their mutual interactions, and from those determine a new state
> a short time later.  In a closed universe, the outcome is deterministic,
> while for any an open system (subgraph), the outcome is probabilistic.
> The analogy suggests that understanding how probabilities
> emerge in the measurement problem requires a
> two-way communication channel between the system and its environment.
> ~ David M. Rogers
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