[Haskell-cafe] tokenize parser combinators and free applicatives
Ruben Astudillo
ruben.astud at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 21:06:01 UTC 2016
On 18/10/16 09:29, Nickolay Kudasov wrote:
> Hi Ruben,
> I imagine, free applicative would allow you to easily insert
> whitespace/comment eaters afterwards. For instance, say you have
> Parser applicative for parsing. Then Ap Parser would represent the
> same parser, but with parsing combinators separated with Ap
> constructors. You would use Ap Parser when defining your grammar. Then
> you could "intersperse" whitespace eaters in between the combinators
> and "retract" the resulting Ap Parser into just Parser. That would
> probably be a cleaner approach compared to having every combinator
> wrapped in trimWhiteSpacesAndComments combinator.
I got the idea of what you said. Even if I want to intersperse `space`
in the downgrade I end up with stuff on the wrong order. Probably has to
do with the fact that Parsec already has a Applicative instance which I
am using, instead of just Functor.
import Text.Parsec
import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
import Control.Applicative.Free
Left (line 1, column 1):
unexpected "h"
expecting space
main :: IO ()
main = print $ example2
-- Works
example :: Either ParseError String
example = parse query "" "hi number 5"
where query = many letter *> space *> many letter *> space
*> many digit
-- Works in wrong order
example2 :: Either ParseError String
example2 = parse (down query) "" "hi number 5"
query = liftAp (many letter)
*> liftAp (many letter)
*> liftAp (many digit)
down :: Ap (Parsec String u0) a -> Parsec String u0 a
down (Pure a) = pure a
down (Ap fa ap) = down ap <* space <*> fa
to help understanding
instance Applicative (Ap f) where
pure = Pure
Pure f <*> y = fmap f y
Ap x y <*> z = Ap x (flip <$> y <*> z)
Ap x y :: (Ap f (a -> b))
z :: (Ap f a)
x :: (f c)
y :: (Ap f (c -> a -> b))
flip <$> y <*> z :: Ap f (c -> b)
flip <$> y :: Ap f (a -> c -> b)
liftAp space :: Ap Parser Char
liftAp space = Ap space (Pure id)
liftAp letter :: Ap Parser Char
liftAp letter = Ap letter (Pure id)
liftAp space *> liftAp letter :: Ap Parser Char
= (id <$ (Ap space (Pure id))) <*> Ap letter (Pure id)
= Ap space (Pure (const id)) <*> Ap letter (Pure id)
= Ap space (flip <$> (Pure (const id)) <*> Ap letter (Pure id))
= Ap space ( Pure (\a _ -> a)) <*> Ap letter (Pure id) )
= Ap space ( Ap letter (Pure (const id)) )
-- Ruben
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