[Haskell-cafe] Easy cross platform CI testing of Haskell packages

Harendra Kumar harendra.kumar at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 09:20:43 UTC 2016


If as a package maintainer, you want to:

* test your package with cabal & stack both
* test your package on Linux, Mac, Windows
* test your package on travis, appveyor or local machine in the same way
* make sure that the _source dist_ that you are going to upload is tested
* upload coverage report to coveralls.io
* customize the build your way

But you do not want the drudgery and the pain of writing elaborate shell
scripts inside travis or appveyor yaml config and then debug them, then
this script is for you. You just have to declare some environment variables
in your build matrix and finally call this script and you are done. It
works consistently the same way for all build types so you don't worry
about whether all platforms are testing the same way or not.

* Script: https://github.com/harendra-kumar/package-test
* Travis Example:
* Appveyor Example:

Feedback and suggestions are welcome!

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