[Haskell-cafe] Journal of Functional Programming - Call for PhD Abstracts
Graham Hutton
Graham.Hutton at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Oct 10 14:14:43 UTC 2016
If you or one of your students recently completed a PhD
in the area of functional programming, please submit the
dissertation abstract for publication in JFP: simple
process, no refereeing, deadline 31st October 2016.
Many thanks,
Journal of Functional Programming
Deadline: 31st October 2016
Many students complete PhDs in functional programming each
year. As a service to the community, the Journal of Functional
Programming publishes the abstracts from PhD dissertations
completed during the previous year.
The abstracts are made freely available on the JFP website,
i.e. not behind any paywall. They do not require any transfer
of copyright, merely a license from the author. A dissertation
is eligible for inclusion if parts of it have or could have
appeared in JFP, that is, if it is in the general area of
functional programming. The abstracts are not reviewed.
Please submit dissertation abstracts according to the instructions
below. We welcome submissions from both the PhD student and PhD
advisor/supervisor although we encourage them to coordinate.
Please submit the following information to Graham Hutton
<graham.hutton at nottingham.ac.uk> by 31st October 2016.
o Dissertation title: (including any subtitle)
o Student: (full name)
o Awarding institution: (full name and country)
o Date of PhD award: (month and year; depending on the
institution, this may be the date of the viva, corrections
being approved, graduation ceremony, or otherwise)
o Advisor/supervisor: (full names)
o Dissertation URL: (please provide a permanently accessible
link to the dissertation if you have one, such as to an
institutional repository or other public archive; links
to personal web pages should be considered a last resort)
o Dissertation abstract: (plain text, maximum 1000 words;
you may use \emph{...} for emphasis, but we prefer no
other markup or formatting in the abstract, but do get
in touch if this causes significant problems)
Please do not submit a copy of the dissertation itself, as
this is not required. JFP reserves the right to decline
to publish abstracts that are not deemed appropriate.
Graham Hutton
School of Computer Science
University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG8 1BB
United Kingdom
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