[Haskell-cafe] complexity of functions in PriorityQ.hs

Michael Litchard michael at schmong.org
Wed Nov 30 18:15:09 UTC 2016

I'm trying to figure out the complexity of the functions in Melissa
O'Neill's Priority Queue library, Priority.Q.hs

Below find definitions, and what I think the complexity is. I'd appreciate
feedback, especially on the ones I have marked as guesses.

data PriorityQ k v = Lf
                   | Br {-# UNPACK #-} !k v !(PriorityQ k v) !(PriorityQ k
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

O(log n) .
This is a guess but alternating which side of the sub-tree is being
traversed is my hint.

insert :: Ord k => k -> v -> PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v
insert wk wv (Br vk vv t1 t2)
               | wk <= vk   = Br wk wv (insert vk vv t2) t1
               | otherwise  = Br vk vv (insert wk wv t2) t1
insert wk wv Lf             = Br wk wv Lf Lf

I have no idea. Reasoning help here please.
siftdown :: Ord k => k -> v -> PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ
k v
siftdown wk wv Lf _             = Br wk wv Lf Lf
siftdown wk wv (t @ (Br vk vv _ _)) Lf
    | wk <= vk                  = Br wk wv t Lf
    | otherwise                 = Br vk vv (Br wk wv Lf Lf) Lf
siftdown wk wv (t1 @ (Br vk1 vv1 p1 q1)) (t2 @ (Br vk2 vv2 p2 q2))
    | wk <= vk1 && wk <= vk2    = Br wk wv t1 t2
    | vk1 <= vk2                = Br vk1 vv1 (siftdown wk wv p1 q1) t2
    | otherwise                 = Br vk2 vv2 t1 (siftdown wk wv p2 q2)

Whatever the cost of siftdown is.
deleteMinAndInsert :: Ord k => k -> v -> PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v
deleteMinAndInsert wk wv Lf             = error "Empty PriorityQ"
deleteMinAndInsert wk wv (Br _ _ t1 t2) = siftdown wk wv t1 t2

This looks like O(log N) to me.
leftrem :: PriorityQ k v -> (k, v, PriorityQ k v)
leftrem (Br vk vv Lf Lf) = (vk, vv, Lf)
leftrem (Br vk vv t1 t2) = (wk, wv, Br vk vv t2 t) where
    (wk, wv, t) = leftrem t1
leftrem _                = error "Empty heap!"

The cost of siftdown, which is probably more expensive than leftrem.

deleteMin :: Ord k => PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v
deleteMin (Br vk vv Lf _) = Lf
deleteMin (Br vk vv t1 t2) = siftdown wk wv t2 t where
    (wk,wv,t) = leftrem t1
deleteMin _ = error "Empty heap!"

Thanks for the feedback. I'm new to computational analysis and this is the
most complicated code I have tried to tackle thus far. I have Okasaki's
book, but am having trouble making best use of it.
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