[Haskell-cafe] Debug tracing in Haskell

Clinton Mead clintonmead at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 13:37:57 UTC 2016

I've been debugging some Haskell code, including a lot of work on Mutable
Vectors, so naturally I've found `trace` useful, and in particular
`traceM`, because it fits in nicely with monadic code.

The problem is that unlike `assert`, both `trace` and `traceM` execute
unconditionally, I can't toggle them with a compiler flag.

I could however do something like this in every file I want to do tracing.


#ifdef TRACE
trace = Debug.Trace.trace
traceM = Debug.Trace.traceM
trace _ = id
traceM _ = pure ()

But already, that's a lot of boilerplate.

I'd also like to trace based on debug levels. For example, at TRACE level
2, only print trace statements at level 1 or 2, but at TRACE level 4, print
trace statements at level 1, 2, 3 and 4, providing more detail (but more

This makes the above code even more complex.

This wouldn't be a problem if I could put the code in a separate package,
but I can't, as then whether tracing is on or not depends on the compiler
settings of the tracing package, not on the calling package, which defeats
the purpose somewhat.

I considered using implicit parameters to quietly pass whether I want
tracing and at what level into the tracing module, but it seems to be that
implicit parameters can't be defined at the top level.

It gets even more complex. When debugging, I might want to print something
of type 'a'. Obviously 'a' will need some sort of show method for this to
work, but outside of debug mode I don't want to restrict my function's
types to things which are showable. So I considered doing this:

#ifdef TRACE
type DebugShow a = Show a
debugShow = show
type DebugShow a = ()

And of course, if you're only using `debugShow` as part of an argument to
`trace`, lazy evaluation will avoid `debugShow` ever being called when
tracing is not enabled.

But put all this together and you've got around a dozen lines of
boilerplate just to do tracing, without even having tracing levels yet,
that have to be put in every module you want to use tracing, but don't want
a whole lot of debug data being spat out in a release compile.

Also, adding any other tracing functions just makes this longer.

The only approach I can think of so far is to whack this all in a template
haskell module and add code that splices it all into the current module:


#ifdef TRACE
$(traceFunctions True)
$(traceFunctions False)

Where `traceFunctions` is a template haskell function that dumps all the
appropriate functions and type definitions mentioned above (and maybe more)
at the top level of the calling module.

So my questions are:

1. Is there a better way? And
2. Has this problem already been solved?
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