[Haskell-cafe] [2nd CFP] Haskell Symposium 2016
Carter Schonwald
carter.schonwald at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 19:00:03 UTC 2016
I notice the notification date is 2 days after the popl submission
deadline, is that by design or an oversight?
On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Geoffrey Mainland <mainland at drexel.edu>
> ========================================================================
> Haskell Symposium 2016
> Nara, Japan, 22-23 September 2015, directly after ICFP
> http://www.haskell.org/haskell-symposium/2016
> ========================================================================
> ** The Haskell Symposium has an early track this year **
> ** See the Submission Timetable for details. **
> The ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 2016 will be co-located with the
> International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2016) in
> Vancouver, Canada.
> The Haskell Symposium aims to present original research on Haskell,
> discuss practical experience and future development of the language, and
> to promote other forms of denotative programming.
> Topics of interest include:
> * Language Design, with a focus on possible extensions and modifications
> of Haskell as well as critical discussions of the status quo;
> * Theory, such as formal semantics of the present language or future
> extensions, type systems, effects, metatheory, and foundations for
> program analysis and transformation;
> * Implementations, including program analysis and transformation, static
> and dynamic compilation for sequential, parallel, and distributed
> architectures, memory management, as well as foreign function and
> component interfaces;
> * Libraries, that demonstrate new ideas or techniques for functional
> programming in Haskell;
> * Tools, such as profilers, tracers, debuggers, preprocessors, and
> testing tools;
> * Applications, to scientific and symbolic computing, databases,
> multimedia, telecommunication, the web, and so forth;
> * Functional Pearls, being elegant and instructive programming examples;
> * Experience Reports, to document general practice and experience in
> education, industry, or other contexts.
> Papers in the latter three categories need not necessarily report
> original academic research results. For example, they may instead report
> reusable programming idioms, elegant ways to approach a problem, or
> practical experience that will be useful to other users, implementors,
> or researchers. The key criterion for such a paper is that it makes a
> contribution from which other Haskellers can benefit. It is not enough
> simply to describe a standard solution to a standard programming
> problem, or report on experience where you used Haskell in the standard
> way and achieved the result you were expecting. More advice is available
> via the Haskell wiki:
> (http://wiki.haskell.org/HaskellSymposium/ExperienceReports)
> Regular papers should explain their research contributions in both
> general and technical terms, identifying what has been accomplished,
> explaining why it is significant, and relating it to previous work, and
> to other languages where appropriate.
> In addition, we solicit proposals for:
> * System Demonstrations, based on running software rather than novel
> research results.
> These proposals should summarize the system capabilities that would be
> demonstrated. The proposals will be judged on whether the ensuing
> session is likely to be important and interesting to the Haskell
> community at large, whether on grounds academic or industrial,
> theoretical or practical, technical, social or artistic. Please contact
> the program chair with any questions about the relevance of a proposal.
> Travel Support:
> ===============
> Student attendees with accepted papers can apply for a SIGPLAN PAC grant
> to help cover travel expenses. PAC also offers other support, such as
> for child-care expenses during the meeting or for travel costs for
> companions of SIGPLAN members with physical disabilities, as well as for
> travel from locations outside of North America and Europe. For details
> on the PAC program, see its web page (http://pac.sigplan.org).
> Proceedings:
> ============
> Accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library. Authors
> must grant ACM publication rights upon acceptance
> (http://authors.acm.org/main.html). Authors are encouraged to publish
> auxiliary material with their paper (source code, test data, etc.); they
> retain copyright of auxiliary material.
> Accepted proposals for system demonstrations will be posted on the
> symposium website but not formally published in the proceedings.
> All accepted papers and proposals will be posted on the conference
> website one week before the meeting.
> Publication date: The official publication date of accepted papers is
> the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital
> Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the
> conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any
> patent filings related to published work.
> Submission Details:
> ===================
> Submitted papers should be in portable document format (PDF), formatted
> using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines
> (http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm). The text should
> be in a 9-point font in two columns. The length is restricted to 12
> pages, except for "Experience Report" papers, which are restricted to 6
> pages. Papers need not fill the page limit---for example, a Functional
> Pearl may be much shorter than 12 pages. Each paper submission must
> adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy, as explained on the web.
> Demo proposals are limited to 2-page abstracts, in the same ACM format
> as papers.
> "Functional Pearls", "Experience Reports", and "Demo Proposals" should
> be marked as such with those words in the title at time of submission.
> The paper submission deadline and length limitations are firm. There
> will be no extensions, and papers violating the length limitations will
> be summarily rejected.
> Papers may be submitted at: https://icfp-haskell2016.hotcrp.com/
> Submission Timetable:
> =====================
> Early Track Regular Track System Demos
> ---------------- ------------------- ---------------
> 1st April Paper Submission
> 20th May Notification
> 6th June Abstract Submission
> 10th June Paper Submission
> 17th June Resubmission Demo Submission
> 8th July Notification Notification Notification
> 31st July Camera ready due Camera ready due
> Deadlines stated are valid anywhere on earth.
> The Haskell Symposium uses a two-track submission process so that some
> papers can gain early feedback. Papers can be submitted to the early
> track on 1st April. On 20th May, strong papers are accepted outright,
> and the others will be given their reviews and invited to resubmit. On
> 17th June, early track papers may be resubmitted and are sent back to
> the same reviewers. The Haskell Symposium regular track operates as in
> previous years. Papers accepted via the early and regular tracks are
> considered of equal value and will not be distinguished in the
> proceedings.
> Although all papers may be submitted to the early track, authors of
> functional pearls and experience reports are particularly encouraged to
> use this mechanism. The success of these papers depends heavily on the
> way they are presented, and submitting early will give the program
> committee a chance to provide feedback and help draw out the key ideas.
> Program Committee:
> ===================
> James Cheney University of Edinburgh
> Iavor Diatchki Galois
> David Duke University of Leeds
> Richard Eisenberg University of Pennsylvania
> Ken Friis Larsen University of Copenhagen
> Andy Gill University of Kansas
> Zhenjiang Hu National Institute of Informatics
> Ranjit Jhala UC San Diego
> Yukiyoshi Kameyama University of Tsukuba
> Geoffrey Mainland (chair) Drexel University
> Mary Sheeran Chalmers University of Technology
> David Terei Stanford
> Niki Vazou UC San Diego
> Dimitrios Vytiniotis Microsoft Research
> =====================================================================
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> Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org
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