[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] servant 0.5
Julian Arni
jkarni at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 15:58:27 UTC 2016
Dear all,
We have just released a new major version (0.5) of the official servant
- servant
- servant-server
- servant-client
- servant-docs
- servant-foreign
- servant-js
- servant-cassava
- servant-blaze
- servant-lucid
- servant-mock
(servant-js and servant-foreign are being released for the first time.
servant-jquery will be deprecated in favour of servant-js)
This new version brings quite a number of significant changes. Servant is
faster, more correct, more replete with features, and more consistent. We
have a
blog post going into more details about the changes:
Note also that we have revamped our tutorial, and moved it to readthedocs:
Enjoy the weekend,
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