[Haskell-cafe] Stuck on a type family problem where kind inference fails
Richard Eisenberg
eir at cis.upenn.edu
Thu Mar 17 19:05:45 UTC 2016
Interesting use case!
You need a higher-rank kind.
All the typey stuff is getting in the way of understanding. I've implemented what you want at the term level:
> data Null a = Nullable a | NotNullable a
> notNullableType :: (forall a. a -> Type) -> Null a -> Type
> notNullableType k (NotNullable a) = baseType k a
> nullableType :: (forall a. a -> Type) -> Null a -> Type
> nullableType k (Nullable a) = baseType (k . Nullable) a
> baseType :: (forall a. a -> Type) -> forall b. b -> Type
> baseType k a = k a
> exprTyFun :: Null b -> (forall a. a -> Type) -> Null b -> Type
> exprTyFun (NotNullable _) = notNullableType
> exprTyFun (Nullable _) = nullableType
It's critical that notNullableType and nullableType have the same type, which is achievable only with higher-rank types.
Happily, GHC 8.0 comes equipped with higher-rank kinds. `singletons` doesn't yet build on 8.0, but it will in the future, for a sufficiently expansive definition of future. Christiaan Baaij is working on this, but I've been all-consumed by getting GHC 8 out and haven't given Christiaan's contributions the attention they deserve. So: all in good time!
I hope this answers your question.
On Mar 17, 2016, at 8:46 AM, Oliver Charles <ollie at ocharles.org.uk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a little tricky to explain, so bear with me. I'm working on some code that roughly models a PostgreSQL schema. Users begin by defining their tables as Haskell records, parametrized over some f :: k -> *, and use a special Col type family that applies some normalisation:
> data Table f = Table { tableId :: Col f ('NotNullable 'DBInt)
> , tableX :: Col f ('Nullable 'DBString) }
> is one such example.
> The idea behind Col is that sometimes we don't need information about the "full type" when we know more about f.
> One such choice of f is Expr, which corresponds to expressions inside a query. In this case, I would desire
> tableId :: Col Expr ('NotNullable 'DBInt) = tableId :: Expr 'DBInt
> tableX :: Col Expr ('Nullable 'DBString) = tableX :: Expr ('Nullable 'DBString)
> Notice here that if you use 'NotNullable, then this information is erased - but it's important if the column is 'Nullable.
> However, I'm struggling to work out any way to actually pull this off in the general case. Here's what I've been attempting:
> {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
> module ExprTest where
> import Data.Singletons
> import Data.Singletons.Prelude hiding (Null)
> import Data.Singletons.TH
> data Expr (a :: k)
> data MyExprSym :: TyFun k * -> *
> type instance Apply MyExprSym (x :: k) = Expr x
> $(singletons [d|
> data Null a = Nullable a | NotNullable a
> |])
> $(promote [d|
> notNullableType k (NotNullable a) = baseType k a
> nullableType k (Nullable a) = baseType (k . Nullable) a
> baseType k a = k a
> |])
> So far, this seems to work well. If I ask GHCI:
> *ExprTest> :kind! Apply (Apply NullableTypeSym0 MyExprSym) ('Nullable 'DBString)
> Apply (Apply NullableTypeSym0 MyExprSym) ('Nullable 'DBString) :: *
> = Expr ('Nullable 'DBString)
> *ExprTest> :kind! Apply (Apply NotNullableTypeSym0 MyExprSym) ('NotNullable 'DBInt)
> Apply (Apply NotNullableTypeSym0 MyExprSym) ('NotNullable 'DBInt) :: *
> = Expr 'DBInt
> This is exactly what I want, but note that I had to choose the necessary symbols NullableTypeSym0 and NotNullableTypeSym0. I would like to calculate those symbols from the column type itself. Looking at the kinds of these symbols though, they are both different:
> *ExprTest> :kind! NotNullableTypeSym0
> NotNullableTypeSym0 :: TyFun
> (TyFun k1 k -> *) (TyFun (Null k1) k -> *)
> -> *
> = NotNullableTypeSym0
> *ExprTest> :kind! NullableTypeSym0
> NullableTypeSym0 :: TyFun
> (TyFun (Null k1) k -> *) (TyFun (Null k1) k -> *)
> -> *
> = NullableTypeSym0
> So I can't see a way to write a single type family that returns them.
> To summarise, I'd like a way to write this following instance for Col:
> type instance Col Expr x = Apply (Apply ?? MyExprSym) x
> such that
> Col Expr ('Nullable a) = Expr ('Nullable a') and
> Col Expr ('NotNullable a) = Expr a
> but I cannot work out how to write the placeholder ?? above.
> One attempt is
> type family ExprTyfun (col :: colK) :: TyFun (TyFun k * -> *) (TyFun j * -> *) -> *
> type instance ExprTyfun ('NotNullable a) = NotNullableTypeSym0
> type instance ExprTyfun ('Nullable a) = NullableTypeSym0
> But neither of these instances actually normalise as I'd like, presumably because of k and j being forall'd in the return type:
> *ExprTest> :set -fprint-explicit-kinds
> *ExprTest> :kind! ExprTyfun ('Nullable 'DBInt)
> ExprTyfun ('Nullable 'DBInt) :: TyFun
> (TyFun k * -> *) (TyFun k1 * -> *)
> -> *
> = ExprTyfun k k1 (Null DBType) ('Nullable DBType 'DBInt)
> *ExprTest> :kind! ExprTyfun ('NotNullable 'DBInt)
> ExprTyfun ('NotNullable 'DBInt) :: TyFun
> (TyFun k * -> *) (TyFun k1 * -> *)
> -> *
> = ExprTyfun k k1 (Null DBType) ('NotNullable DBType 'DBInt)
> *ExprTest> :i ExprTyfun
> type family ExprTyfun (k :: BOX)
> (j :: BOX)
> (colK :: BOX)
> (col :: colK) ::
> TyFun (TyFun k * -> *) (TyFun j * -> *) -> *
> -- Defined at src/Opaleye/TF/ExprTest.hs:39:1
> type instance ExprTyfun
> (Null k) (Null k) (Null k1) ('Nullable k1 a)
> = NullableTypeSym0 * k
> -- Defined at src/Opaleye/TF/ExprTest.hs:41:1
> type instance ExprTyfun k (Null k) (Null k1) ('NotNullable k1 a)
> = NotNullableTypeSym0 * k
> -- Defined at src/Opaleye/TF/ExprTest.hs:40:1
> I'd also like to point out that in my full code the types to Col can be a lot bigger, and I'd like to not assume any ordering. For example, here's a possible type:
> userId :: Col f ('Column "id" ('NotNullable ('HasDefault 'DBInt)))
> In this case Col Expr ('Column "id" ('NotNullable ('HasDefault 'DBInt))) = Expr 'DBInt
> I hope this question is understandable! Please let me know if there's anything I can do to provide more clarity.
> - Ollie
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