[Haskell-cafe] Type-level list "elem" inference
amindfv at gmail.com
amindfv at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 19:34:51 UTC 2016
So I've got some code that looks like:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, UndecidableInstances, TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
type family IsSubset (as :: [Symbol]) (bs :: [Symbol]) where
IsSubset as bs = IsSubsetPrime as bs bs
type family IsSubsetPrime (as :: [Symbol]) bs bs' where
IsSubsetPrime as '[] bs' = 'False
IsSubsetPrime '[] bs bs' = 'True
IsSubsetPrime (a ': as) (a ': bs) bs' =
IsSubsetPrime as bs' bs'
IsSubsetPrime (a ': as) (b ': bs) bs' = IsSubsetPrime (a ': as) bs bs'
This lets me write functions like:
foo :: (IsSubset '["foo", "bar"] args ~ 'True) => Proxy args -> Int
foo args = undefined
I've also got a type family:
type family IsElem (a :: Symbol) (bs :: [Symbol]) where
IsElem a (a ': bs) = 'True
IsElem a (b ': bs) = IsElem a bs
IsElem a '[] = 'False
This lets me write functions like:
bar :: (IsElem "foo" args ~ 'True) => Proxy args -> Int
bar args = undefined
The problem comes when I want to use "bar args" in the definition of "foo args" -- even though it's clear to me that ["foo","bar"] being a subset of args implies that "foo" is an element of args, I haven't written "IsElem" or "IsSubset" in a way that it's clear to the compiler.
Is there a way to write IsElem and IsSubset so they "compose"?
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