[Haskell-cafe] Easy type-level math

Станислав Черничкин schernichkin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 23:37:24 UTC 2016

With DataKinds and TypeOperators and GHC.TypeLits and, probably,
KindSignatures I have:

test :: (KnownNat i, KnownNat (i + 4)) => MyType i ((i + 4) + 4)

and it's typecheck perfectly.

But what I really want to have is:

test :: (KnownNat i) => MyType i (i +8)

and it does not typecheck.

Does not ((i + 4) + 4) == (i +8)?

Does not (KnownNat i) implies (KnownNat (i + 4))?

Did I miss something about Haskell?

Thanks, Stanislav Chernichkin.
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