[Haskell-cafe] Resumable applicative parsing from tail end?
martin.drautzburg at web.de
Mon Jun 20 10:42:52 UTC 2016
Hello all,
in my attempt to write a simulation program, I am facing the following problem:
as the simulation progresses, I collect "primary" log entries, each one associated with a timestamp. These entries carry
the information I am interested in (and not so much the final state). Currently I am using a simple list to collect log
entries. Since (:) is so much easier than (++) I prepend new entries to the head of the list. So my log runs backwards
in time with the oldest entries at the tail end.
Because the log-entries are typically too fine-grained to be useful, I want to aggregate several of them into a single
log entry in a secondary log. I want to do this "as I go" and discard primary log entries which are already aggregated.
Thus I can keep the primary log reasonably small.
I thought that aggregation is just a special case of parsing. And indeed, I could write an applicative parser
PrimaryLog -> (PrimaryLog, SecondaryLog)
which does the trick, except I had to reverse the ordering of the primary log. This is because the parser/aggregator
must parse from past to future, because there may be new log entries coming up in the future. I need to be able to
resume parsing where I left off whenever new primary log entries are entered, becuase I may then have just enough
unconsumed primary log entries to create another secondary entry.
Currently I'm trying Data.Sequence to let the primary log grow to the left and let parsing to begin at the far-right.
But I have a bad feeling about it. Particularly, I don't have any hard reasons why a simple List wouldn't be sufficient.
But I just wasn't able to write the code.
What do you think? How would you parse a list from the tail end? Or how else would you deal with this problem?
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