[Haskell-cafe] ST Vector / STRef -- Performances and allocation

Bertram Felgenhauer bertram.felgenhauer at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 19 13:12:42 UTC 2016

Guillaume Bouchard wrote:
> - PRef (Unboxed bytearray of size 1, the closest thing to an unboxed
> stack allocation) : 86ms
> - URef (Unboxed vector of size 1) : 130ms
> - SRef (Storable vector of size 1) : 43ms (This is an improvement !)
> - BRef (Boxed ref) : 137ms
> - STRef : 54ms (this was my baseline)

You really shouldn't use any mutable variable at all for this, but pass
the values around as function arguments instead:

count_inv' :: V2.MVector s Int32 -> V2.MVector s Int32 -> ST s Int
count_inv' a buf
  | V.length a <= 1 = return 0
  | otherwise = do
      let len = V.length a
          mid = len `div` 2

      counta <- count_inv' (V.slice 0 mid a) buf
      countb <- count_inv' (V.slice mid (len - mid) a) buf

      V.unsafeCopy (V.slice 0 mid buf) (V.slice 0 mid a)

      let go idx1 idx2 count i = if i == len then return count else do
              cond <- return (idx1 < mid) .&&. (return (idx2 == len) .||. (V.unsafeRead buf idx1 .<=. V.unsafeRead a idx2))
              if cond then do
                  V.unsafeRead buf idx1 >>= V.unsafeWrite a i
                  go (idx1 + 1) idx2 (count + idx2 - mid) (i+1)
               else do
                  V.unsafeRead a idx2 >>= V.unsafeWrite a i
                  go idx1 (idx2 + 1) count (i+1)
      go 0 mid (counta + countb) (0 :: Int)

Besides, the code spends most of its time on parsing the input. The
following more low-level code does the job far more quickly:

import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B

parse' :: IO [Int32]
parse' = do
    content <- B.getContents
    return $ map fromIntegral $ unfoldr (B.readInt . B.dropWhile (=='\n')) $ content

It's possible to improve this slightly by implementing the code from scratch:

parse'' :: IO [Int32]
parse'' = do
  content <- B.getContents
  return $ go content
  go b = case B.uncons b of
      Nothing -> []
      Just ('\n',b) -> go b
      Just ('-',b) -> go'' 0 b
      Just (d,b) -> go' (fromIntegral (ord d - 48)) b
  go' v b = case B.uncons b of
      Nothing -> [v]
      Just ('\n',b) -> v : go b
      Just (d,b) -> go' (v*10 + fromIntegral (ord d - 48)) b
  go'' v b = case B.uncons b of
      Nothing -> [v]
      Just ('\n',b) -> v : go b
      Just (d,b) -> go' (v*10 - fromIntegral (ord d - 48)) b

Taken together these changes improve the runtime from 79ms to 21ms here.



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