[Haskell-cafe] What's wrong in my Data.Generic.Zipper code?

Martijn Schrage martijn at oblomov.com
Sun Jul 10 21:37:38 UTC 2016

On 10 juli 2016 at 20:03:57, martin (martin.drautzburg at web.de) wrote:

Am 07/10/2016 um 03:17 PM schrieb Martijn Schrage:
> Hi Martin,
> Ghci defaults the type of 'getHole t1' to 'Maybe ()'. You can see this
happening if you enable warnings in ghci with
> ':set -Wall'. Providing the correct type signature gives you the answer
you're expecting:
> *Main> getHole t1 :: Maybe [Int]
> Just [1,2,3]

I understand, thanks.

I tried a generic Zipper with a pair and noticed that going down gives me
the second component. This does make some
sense, but I am still having trouble to anticipate what up, down, left and
right do when the the datatype is more
complicated and not a tree. E.g. this one gives me trouble:

import qualified Data.Sequence as S

To understand the navigation, just draw your values as trees, with the
constructor on one level and the children below. For example, a list [1,2]

 /   \
1    (:)
    /   \
   2     []

And a tuple (1,2) becomes:

   /   \
  1     2

Also note that down not only moves a level downward, but also to the
rightmost child (down' moves to the leftmost child instead).

I'm not sure how useful it is to use a zipper on a Seq (which, as you can
see in the source, is still just a tree, like all data types,) as the
implementation uses a balanced FingerTree which is kept abstract. But as it
turns out, the Seq Data instance follows the right-associative view
pattern, so if you wish you could navigate similar to lists (down for the
tail, and down' or down followed by left for the head).


data Items lbl = Items (S.Seq (lbl, Items lbl))
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)

Is there an easy way to understinfing those moves?
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