[Haskell-cafe] Overlapping instances

Mitchell Rosen mitchellwrosen at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 02:49:36 UTC 2016

Consider this "list membership" typeclass and two overlapping instances:

class Elem (x :: k) (xs :: [k])

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Elem x (x ': xs)
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Elem x xs => Elem x (y ': xs)

The inductive style is satisfying, but I'm struggling to understand exactly 
how GHC can pick one instance over the other.

How is a constraint like Elem Int [Int] solved? Certainly the Elem x (x ': 
xs) instance matches, with x = Int and xs = []. But, the second instance is 
also equally valid with x = Int, y = Int, xs = []. Even though *if *the 
second instance is chosen, the context cannot be satisfied (no instance for Elem 
x []), it's my understanding that GHC will not backtrack once it picks an 
instance. And because both instances look valid to me, I don't understand 
why this code does not require IncoherentInstances.

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