[Haskell-cafe] Manual type-checking in graphs: Avoidable?

Bryan Richter b at chreekat.net
Fri Feb 19 06:55:47 UTC 2016

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 06:50:26PM -0800, Jeffrey Brown wrote:
> I use FGL, which (roughly) defines type Gr a b as a graph on nodes of type
> a and edges of type b.
> Suppose you wanted a graph that described which people own which hamsters,
> knowing only their name. You would have to make node and edge types like
> this:
>     data GraphNode = Person String | Hamster String
>     data GraphEdge = Has
> where the strings represent their names.
> Suppose then you wanted to write a function that, given a person, returns
> the names of all their hamsters. To make sure the call makes sense, the
> function would have to first check that the input is in fact a person.
> Since persons and hamsters are both constructors of the same type,

Actually, I think the problem is that "String" is the same type as

Maybe this?

    data GraphNode = NodePerson Person | NodeHamster Hamster

Then you can expose an API that just accepts a Person, and let the
find-function take care of constructing the proper start value (i.e. a

    personHamsters :: MyGraph -> Person -> [Hamster]
    personHamsters g p =
        startNode = NodePerson p

Still, you'll have to do case evaluation at *some* point, right? If
you have two types of nodes, and you're zooming around the graph,
you'll have to stop and dereference each node to know what to do next.

At least by hiding the details behind the API, your search function
will be total.
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