[Haskell-cafe] Which tab width do you prefer for Haskell code?

Christopher Done chrisdone at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 18:09:38 UTC 2016

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get a feel for the modern Haskell community's opinion on
default tab-width for HIndent. Here is a link to the online poll:



> For the HIndent tool we'd like to choose the standard tab width.
> For now, it is 4, the width set by the Johan Tibell style guide.
> A survey of 1000 top-downloaded packages on Hackage reveals about 50-50 either way:https://gist.github.com/chrisdone/e3d1796d8f5df717b91db54aae36c440
> HIndent is meant as a "community standard" tool; it should reflect the community's actual practice. If there's a clear preference for 2, we'll switch to that. Otherwise, we remain with 4.


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