[Haskell-cafe] Sending email

Daniel P. Wright dani at dpwright.com
Wed Apr 27 08:32:56 UTC 2016

Hi David,

Off the top of my head I'm not sure what the root cause of that would be,
or indeed if the problem lies with HaskellNet-SSL or with HaskellNet
itself.  If you can send me some sample code (either by email or by filing
an issue at https://github.com/dpwright/HaskellNet-SSL/issues) I can take a
look at it.


2016-04-27 16:14 GMT+09:00 David Escobar <davidescobar at ieee.org>:

> Hi Daniel,
> I have another issue when using HaskellNet. It seems the way the library
> sends email is causing extra spaces and line breaks to be inserted in my
> HTML emails, which completely messes up the inline CSS styles. When I
> turned *sslLogToConsole = True*, this is the kind of output I get in the
> log:
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "<!DOCTYPE html>\r"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "\r\n"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "<html><body><table style=3D\"border: 1px solid
> black; border-collapse: colla=\r"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "\r\n"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "pse; margin: 25px 0; width: 100%;\"><tr><th
> style=3D\"background-color: #072a=\r"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "\r\n"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "2d; color: white; font-weight: bold; border-right:
> 1px solid white; padding=\r"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "\r\n"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: ": 5px 10px; width: 33%;\">Committer</th>\r"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "\r\n"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "<th style=3D\"background-color: #072a2d; color:
> white; font-weight: bold; bo=\r"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "\r\n"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "rder-right: 1px solid white; padding: 5px 10px;
> width: 33%;\">SHA1</th>\r"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "\r\n"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "<th style=3D\"background-color: #072a2d; color:
> white; font-weight: bold; bo=\r"*
> *HaskellNet-SSL SEND: "\r\n"*
> As you can see, extra line breaks are being inserted right in the middle
> of the HTML/CSS, which completely messes it up. Is there a way to prevent
> that? The only option I could find was *Settings* *sslMaxLineLength*, but
> setting that to a high number doesn't solve the problem.
> Thanks,
> David
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 12:00 AM, Daniel P. Wright <dani at dpwright.com>
> wrote:
>> Bardur,
>> Ah, ok, that makes sense.  Thanks for the clarification.
>> -Dani.
>> 2016-04-20 15:56 GMT+09:00 Bardur Arantsson <spam at scientician.net>:
>>> On 04/20/2016 08:32 AM, Daniel P. Wright wrote:
>>> > Hello David,
>>> >
>>> >> The only thing I noticed with Gmail is that in order to work it
>>> requires
>>> > the sender's account to toggle this setting:
>>> >> Allow less secure apps: OFF
>>> >
>>> > That does sound unusual!  Is my understanding you correctly that
>>> HaskellNet
>>> > doesn't work UNLESS you disallow less secure apps?  Or is it the other
>>> > (more intuitive) way round? (i.e. HaskellNet is being considered a
>>> "less
>>> > secure" app and thus being disallowed).
>>> It's not particularly sinister...
>>> It's is simply that IMAP/SMTP do not have authentication options that
>>> are "secure enough" for Google[1]. Or perhaps rather that they at least
>>> must allow less secure authentication options per their respective
>>> standards/RFCs.
>>> Regards,
>>> [1] Basically they don't enforce two-factor auth.
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