[Haskell-cafe] Should webassembly be a target for GHC?

Daniel Bergey bergey at teallabs.org
Sat Apr 23 17:45:27 UTC 2016

On 2016-04-23 at 00:28, Dimitri DeFigueiredo <defigueiredo at ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> I'm interested in webassembly's recent momentum
> https://hacks.mozilla.org/2016/03/a-webassembly-milestone/
> Is this a way we could get a foot in the web?
> I'm curious, just putting the thought out there.

GHCJS can compile Haskell to JS already - anything that GHC compiles,
except libraries that link against non-Haskell code.  There are also
various Haskell-like languages, with which I'm less familiar.

Periodically someone asks about generating webassembly or asm.js from
GHCJS.  For example:


My understanding is GHCJS depends on first-class functions and
garbage collection in the JS runtime, which aren't provided by the
assembly subset.


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