[Haskell-cafe] how ghc finds libgmp.so when linking

Dominic Steinitz dominic at steinitz.org
Thu Apr 14 12:48:57 UTC 2016

Johannes Waldmann <johannes.waldmann <at> htwk-leipzig.de> writes:

> more data:
> when I compile with  -optl -L/usr/local/lib,
> then the correct library is found,
> when I put  ("ld flags", "-L/usr/local/lib")
> in ghc-7.10.3/settings, then it's not,
> when I put ("C compiler link flags", "-L/usr/local/lib")
> in settings, then it is.
> So, I can leave it at that.
> But I still don't know how this came to be.
> I built this ghc-7.10.3 from source.
> - J.W.

I get

ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/local/lib/'

when using hmatrix but I have no idea why.
Perhaps the error messages are not related.

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