[Haskell-cafe] Fastest way to calculate all the ways to interleave two lists
David Feuer
david.feuer at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 04:38:09 UTC 2016
Your lists are very short. Pump them up to thousands of elements each
and you will see a problem emerge in the naive solution.
On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 12:16 AM, Arseniy Alekseyev
<arseniy.alekseyev at gmail.com> wrote:
> I measure the following naive solution of interleave2 beating yours in
> performance:
> i2 [] ys = [ys]
> i2 xs [] = [xs]
> i2 (x : xs) (y : ys) =
> fmap (x :) (i2 xs (y : ys)) ++ fmap (y :) (i2 (x : xs) ys)
> The program I'm benchmarking is:
> main = print $ sum $ map sum $ interleavings
> [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[1,1,1]]
> On 3 April 2016 at 04:05, David Feuer <david.feuer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I ran into a fun question today:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/q/36342967/1477667
>> Specifically, it asks how to find all ways to interleave lists so that
>> the order of elements within each list is preserved. The most
>> efficient way I found is copied below. It's nicely lazy, and avoids
>> left-nested appends. Unfortunately, it's pretty seriously ugly. Does
>> anyone have any idea of a way to do this that's both efficient and
>> elegant?
>> {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
>> import Data.Monoid
>> import Data.Foldable (toList)
>> import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>))
>> -- Find all ways to interleave two lists
>> interleave2 :: [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
>> interleave2 xs ys = interleave2' mempty xs ys []
>> -- Find all ways to interleave two lists, adding the
>> -- given prefix to each result and continuing with
>> -- a given list to append
>> interleave2' :: Seq a -> [a] -> [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
>> interleave2' !prefix xs ys rest =
>> (toList prefix ++ xs ++ ys)
>> : interleave2'' prefix xs ys rest
>> -- Find all ways to interleave two lists except for
>> -- the trivial case of just appending them. Glom
>> -- the results onto the given list.
>> interleave2'' :: Seq a -> [a] -> [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
>> interleave2'' !prefix [] _ = id
>> interleave2'' !prefix _ [] = id
>> interleave2'' !prefix xs@(x : xs') ys@(y : ys') =
>> interleave2' (prefix |> y) xs ys' .
>> interleave2'' (prefix |> x) xs' ys
>> -- What the question poser wanted; I don't *think* there's
>> -- anything terribly interesting to do here.
>> interleavings :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
>> interleavings = foldr (concatMap . interleave2) [[]]
>> Thanks,
>> David
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