[Haskell-cafe] best practice for lifting of IO and could lifting be automated?

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Mon Oct 26 12:10:48 UTC 2015

On 10/26/2015 01:03 PM, Oleg wrote:
> For this particular example, the answer is easy: If you have the IO
> monads, you have the Reader monad, and the State/Writer as well. This
> is just an IORef. 
>> getFileContents :: IO String
>> getFileContents = do
>>   ref <- newIORef False
>>   withCSV "data.csv" (myReadFile ref)
>>      where
>>          myReadFile :: IORef Bool -> Handle -> IO String
>>          myReadFile ref handle = do
>>              header <- readIORef ref -- ask --- OOOPPSss!!! FAIL! Can't ask.
>>              case header of
>>                  False      -> return ""
>>                  True -> hGetLine handle -- skip first line
>>              text <- hGetContents handle
>>              return text

Not really. You are passing 'ref' into myReadFile by hand here. If you
are willing to pass parameters by hand, there is no need in IORef at
all; you could just as well pass header directly.

Passing extra arguments is precisely what ReaderT liberates you from.

I agree that *given a ReaderT* (or implicit params, or your implicit
configurations), you can emulate StateT/WriterT using IORefs (but only
one way of stacking w.r.t. exceptions).


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