[Haskell-cafe] A GC'd heap using weak pointers
Thomas Koster
tkoster at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 00:45:20 UTC 2015
On 6 October 2015 at 21:25, Thomas Koster <tkoster at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am implementing a simple, interpreted language that needs a garbage-
> collected heap for storage. Like most discussions on memory management,
> I use the term "heap" by analogy - the actual data structure is not
> necessarily a true heap.
> My Heap type is basically a map of "addresses" (Int) to values. Values
> may themselves contain addresses, perhaps recursively to each other
> (like letrec). The extra field in Heap stores the next unused address,
> used to allocate fresh slots, as you can see in "heapAlloc".
>> type Address = Int
>> data Value = ...things with Addresses...
>> data Heap = Heap !Address (Map Address Value)
>> heapAlloc :: Heap -> (Address, Heap)
>> heapAlloc (Heap nextFreeAddr binds) =
>> (nextFreeAddr, Heap (succ nextFreeAddr) binds)
> There is also a stack of roots and an expression under evaluation.
>> type Stack = [...things with Addresses...]
>> data Expr = ...things with Addresses...
> The function I need to write is:
>> heapGC :: [Address] -> Heap -> Heap
>> heapGC roots heap = ...collect unreachable values from heap...
> Rather than re-invent this particularly complex wheel, I am wondering
> if I could use GHC weak pointers and have the GHC runtime collect values
> in my heap for me. Something like this:
>> type Address = Int
>> data Reference = Reference Address
>> data Value = ...things with References...
>> data Heap = Heap !Address (Map Address (Weak Value))
>> heapAlloc :: Heap -> (Reference, Heap)
>> heapAlloc (Heap nextFreeAddr binds) =
>> (Reference nextFreeAddr, Heap (succ nextFreeAddr) binds)
>> heapStore :: Reference -> Value -> Heap -> IO Heap
>> heapStore ref@(Reference addr) val (Heap nextFreeAddr binds) = do
>> weakVal <- mkWeak ref val Nothing
>> return $ Heap nextFreeAddr (Map.insert addr weakVal binds)
> Note the new type, Reference. This replaces Address everywhere except
> in the heap's internal structure, which continues to use Address.
> Reference values are opaque, unique and obtained from the heap using
> heapAlloc.
> The idea is that only two things should cause Values to stay alive:
> 1. reachable holders of Reference (by GHC's definition of "reachable"),
> 2. ordinary Haskell closures arising from stepping the interpreter.
> "Being in the Heap" should not be enough to keep a Value alive. Then,
> my heapGC function should only have to prune dead addresses from the
> map.
> I am having trouble getting a proof-of-concept working (I am unable to
> observe any finalizers running, ever), but before I get into that, is
> this idea sound? Has somebody else implemented this in a library
> already?
On 6 October 2015 at 21:39, Sumit Sahrawat, Maths & Computing, IIT
(BHU) <sumit.sahrawat.apm13 at iitbhu.ac.in> wrote:
> This would be well recieved on ghc-devs mailing list. Adding to cc.
Maybe. My question has nothing to do with the development of GHC itself.
Perhaps I should have been more clear - I am implementing this
interpreter as a straightforward Haskell program. I apologize to
ghc-devs if this is inbox noise to them.
To be clear, I will re-state my question another way. I am writing an
interpreter for a simple programming language in Haskell. The
interpreter needs to implement a garbage-collected storage area (heap).
At this stage, my "Heap" is actually just a "Map Address Value", plus
some administrative fields. Some of the constructors of Value contain
Addresses. Address is just a newtype for Int. I am faced with the
problem of removing unreachable Values from this map to fix unbounded
space usage. My question is: Rather than traverse the graph of values
and re-invent a true garbage collector, can I change this to "Map
Address (Weak Value)" (Weak from System.Mem.Weak) and have the Haskell
runtime reclaim unreachable Values for me?
My original post (quoted above) has more detail on what I attempted (but
it doesn't work - as far as I can tell nothing is ever reclaimed).
Thomas Koster
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