[Haskell-cafe] Approach to generalising Functor, is it worth pursuing?

David Feuer david.feuer at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 20:05:27 UTC 2015

I don't understand what F is supposed to represent. All the other type
families should surely be associated families of Functor rather than
independent families.

On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 3:15 AM, Clinton Mead <clintonmead at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been thinking about generalising Functor, as I had something which was
> "Functor like" but didn't seem to fit into the existing definition. The
> example I'll present isn't the problem I was trying to solve, but it
> probably illustrates the solution better. The questions I have is:
> 1. Is this useful?
> 2. Has this been done?
> If the answers are Yes and No, I'll continue on into making this into a
> package.
> Anyway, here's what I've done:
> As we know, the type signature of fmap is the following:
> fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
> I've put brackets around the last two arguments to show that fmap can be
> also seen as a function which takes a function and returns a new function,
> in a different "space", for want of a better word.
> fmap should also follow this rule:
> fmap (f . g) == (fmap f . fmap g)
> So we can map an ordinary function into the "Maybe" space, but in a way that
> composing functions in the putting them in the space is the same as putting
> them in the space then composing them.
> I thought it would be nice if we could fmap to Kleisli Arrows, like so:
> fmap :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Kleisli m a b
> Of course this is just "arr". But "arr" follows fmap's rules, so I thought
> it would be nice to make it a functor.
> So I was looking for more generalised versions of "Functor", and I found the
> 'categories' package, which had the following definition:
> class (Category r, Category t) => Functor f r t | f r -> t, f t -> r where
>   fmap :: r a b -> t (f a) (f b)
> This solves half my problem, as now I can set r = (->) and t = Kleisli m and
> I've got the categories right. But it forces the "output" category to have a
> data constructor.
> So:
> fmap :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Kleisli m a b
> Just won't fit. I'd need to make it:
> fmap :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Kleisli m (Id a) (Id b)
> and then unwrap the results. I found this ugly though.
> So I've gone with another approached. I've linked the code here:
> http://ideone.com/TEg4MN and also included it inline at the bottom of this
> mail.
> Defining functors now becomes a bit wordy, but basically what I've defined
> is two functor instances. The first is just a copy of the existing functor
> instances to maintain the status quo behaviour. But secondly I've defined
> the Kleisli instance as discussed above.
> The "main" line, does two calls to fmap. The outermost (on the left) is just
> an ordinary fmap call on lists. The innermost, fmaps the function "triple"
> into a Kleisli Arrow, allowing it to be composed with the the Kleisli arrow
> already defined, 'evenOrNothing'. Type inference works this all out
> magically without signatures being required.
> Like I said, is approach new and useful? Improvements would be appreciated
> also, I'm only over the last few months really started focusing on learning
> Haskell properly (after leaving my previous job of 8 years), so I'm sure I'm
> still doing plenty of things not quite right.
> Thanks,
> Clinton
> ---
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
> module Main (
>     main
> ) where
> import qualified Control.Arrow
> import Prelude hiding (Functor, fmap, (.))
> import Control.Category (Category, (.))
> import qualified Data.Functor
> import qualified Control.Arrow
> import Control.Arrow (Kleisli(Kleisli), runKleisli)
> type family F (r :: (* -> * -> *)) (t :: (* -> * -> *)) x
> type family InputParam f x
> type family ResultParam f x
> type family InputCategory f :: (* -> * -> *)
> type family ResultCategory f :: (* -> * -> *)
> class Functor f where
>   fmap ::
>     (
>       Category r, Category t,
>       f ~ F r t c, f ~ F r t d,
>       r ~ InputCategory f, t ~ ResultCategory f,
>       a ~ InputParam f c, b ~ InputParam f d,
>       c ~ ResultParam f a, d ~ ResultParam f b
>     ) =>
>       r a b -> t c d
> data OrdinaryFunctor :: (* -> *) -> *
> type instance F (->) (->) (f a) = OrdinaryFunctor f
> type instance InputParam (OrdinaryFunctor f) (f a) = a
> type instance ResultParam (OrdinaryFunctor f) a = f a
> type instance InputCategory (OrdinaryFunctor f) = (->)
> type instance ResultCategory (OrdinaryFunctor f) = (->)
> instance (Data.Functor.Functor f) => Functor (OrdinaryFunctor f) where
>   fmap = Data.Functor.fmap
> data KleisliFunctor :: (* -> *) -> *
> type instance F (->) (Kleisli m) a = KleisliFunctor m
> type instance InputParam (KleisliFunctor f) a = a
> type instance ResultParam (KleisliFunctor m) a = a
> type instance InputCategory (KleisliFunctor m) = (->)
> type instance ResultCategory (KleisliFunctor m) = Kleisli m
> instance (Monad m) => Functor (KleisliFunctor m) where
>   fmap = Control.Arrow.arr
> triple = (*3)
> evenOrNothing = Kleisli (\x -> if (even x) then Just x else Nothing)
> main = print $ fmap (runKleisli (evenOrNothing . fmap triple)) [3..6]
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