[Haskell-cafe] Partition int 180. Out of memory

Kees Bleijenberg K.Bleijenberg at lijbrandt.nl
Wed Nov 18 09:25:03 UTC 2015

I want to partition the integer n=180 with terms >=5

I.e.  n=15 => [[5,5,5],[8,7],[9,6],[10,5],[15]]

The function part does this. memopart does it with memoization a lot faster.

mempart works fine on my machine until n=120. For n=130 I get 'out of
memory'. For other reasons I work on Win64 with ghc32.

To save memory I replaced Int with Word8. I also replaced [Word8] with
B.ByteString (memopartB). But no luck. I still get 'out of memory' for

I run the program with: part +RTS -M4294967295  (429... is according to ghc
the max memory I can use)


Any ideas how to solve this? 

What is the most memory efficient replacement for a list?


module Main (






import Data.Int 

import System.Time

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B

import Data.Word

import Data.List (intercalate)


part :: Int -> [[Int]]

part 0 = [[]]

part n = [x:y | x <- [5..n], y <- part (n-x),  [x] >= take 1 y]


partB :: Word8 -> [B.ByteString]

partB 0 = [B.empty]

partB n = [B.cons x y | x <- [5..n], y <- partB (n-x), B.singleton x >= y]


memopart a = memo !! a  where

    memo = [[]] : [[x:y | x <- [5..n], y <- memo !! (n-x), [x] >= take 1 y]
| n <- [5..]]


memopartB :: Int -> [B.ByteString]    

memopartB a = memo !! a  where             

                  memo :: [[B.ByteString]]

                  memo = [B.empty] : [[B.cons x y | x <- [5 :: Word8 .. n ::
Word8], y <- memo !! minusWord8 n x, B.singleton x >= y] | n <- [5 :: Word8

                  minusWord8 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Int

                  minusWord8 c d = (fromIntegral c :: Int) - (fromIntegral
d:: Int)


main = do

         startTime <- getClockTime

         -- print $ length $ memopart 50

         putStrLn $ showPartBRes $ memopartB 120

         stopTime  <- getClockTime

         putStrLn ("Time: " ++ timeDiffToString (diffClockTimes stopTime


showPartBRes :: [B.ByteString] -> String

showPartBRes res = intercalate ", " $ map showB  res

                   where showB :: B.ByteString -> String

                         showB arr = '[' : intercalate "," (B.foldr (\w acc
-> show w : acc) [] arr) ++ "]"

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