[Haskell-cafe] Streaming a Conduit into a lazy list

Jules Bean jules at jellybean.co.uk
Wed Nov 4 08:59:48 UTC 2015

Conduits seem like a popular and useful way to compose operations
which consume and produce streams at various speeds. I hadn't used
them before, so apologies for any obvious mistakes below.

Conduits have lots of power in terms of how you can interleave monadic
effects with the streaming; but I found that I had a stream with no
effects at all and I wanted to convert it back into haskells more
simplistic representation, lazy lists.

This is probably a well-known trick, but I couldn't find how to do this
from googling, so here is the solution I found in case it helps
someone else:

> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts  #-}
> module Main where 
> import Data.Conduit
> import Control.Monad.Catch
> import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
> import Control.Monad.Writer
> import Control.Monad.Identity
> import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
> import Data.Typeable
> source123Error :: Monad m => Source m Int
> source123Error = do
>  yield 1
>  yield 2
>  yield 3
>  error "error"

A source which produces some data and then hangs, to test lazy production. 

One solution which doesn't work is CL.consume (as its own docs say) - and instead this happens:

*Main> :t runIdentity (source123Error $$ CL.consume)
runIdentity (source123Error $$ CL.consume) :: [Int]
*Main> runIdentity (source123Error $$ CL.consume)
*** Exception: error

But what we can do instead is push the data out via the Writer monad:

> tellEverything :: MonadWriter [a] m => Sink a m ()
> tellEverything = awaitForever (\x -> tell [x])

*Main> :t source123Error $$ tellEverything
source123Error $$ tellEverything :: MonadWriter [Int] m => m ()
*Main> snd $ runWriter (source123Error $$ tellEverything)
[1,2,3*** Exception: error

Success! A lazily produced list.

If your output is of any size - and depending on the compositions
pattern in your code - it may be much faster to use this version:

> tellEveryEndo :: MonadWriter (Endo [a]) m => Sink a m ()
> tellEveryEndo = awaitForever (\x -> tell (Endo (x:)))

*Main> ($[]) . appEndo . snd . runWriter $ (source123Error $$ tellOne)
[1,2,3*** Exception: error

I found a further case where the Conduit I was trying to run was pure
but had a 'MonadThrow' constraint. You can use the same approach here,
using the ExceptionT transformer to satisfy the MonadThrow constraint.

> data MyError = MyError deriving (Show,Typeable)
> instance Exception MyError
> source123Throw :: MonadThrow m => Source m Int
> source123Throw = do
> yield 1
> yield 2
> yield 3
> throwM MyError

*Main Control.Monad.Except Control.Monad.Trans.Resource> snd . runWriter . runExceptionT $ (source123Error $$ tellEverything)
[1,2,3*** Exception: error
*Main Control.Monad.Except Control.Monad.Trans.Resource> snd . runWriter . runExceptionT $ (source123Throw $$ tellEverything)

An aside: I tried to measure the speed difference between the
list-mappend and Endo-mappend approaches with the following
code. count2N uses a binary-tree shaped recursion so it should be
fairly bad for list-mappend with lots of long lists on the left.

> count2N :: Monad m => Int -> Source m Int
> count2N 0 = yield 0
> count2N n = count2N (n-1) >> count2N (n-1)

> speedTest1 = print . length . snd . runWriter $ (count2N 24 $$ tellEverything)
> speedTest2 = print . length . ($[]) . appEndo . snd . runWriter $ (count2N 24 $$ tellEveryEndo)

With -O or -O2 I measure no speed difference between these, they both
take a bit over 2 seconds. With no optimisation flag, speedTest2 is
slower, 17 seconds vs 11 seconds. 

I'm quite surprised the Endo version isn't faster, it seems like
something is rewriting those list appends?



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