[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: GHC version 7.10.1
Jan Stolarek
jan.stolarek at p.lodz.pl
Fri Mar 27 08:21:09 UTC 2015
Austin, links to x86_64 linux versions for CentOS don't work.
Dnia piątek, 27 marca 2015, Austin Seipp napisał:
> ==============================================================
> The (Interactive) Glasgow Haskell Compiler -- version 7.10.1
> ==============================================================
> The GHC Team is pleased to announce a new major release of GHC. There
> have been a number of significant changes since the last major
> release, including:
> * Several new language features and changes have been implemented:
> - Applicative is now a superclass of Monad and in the Prelude.
> - Many prelude combinators have been generalized
> - Static pointers
> * GHC now has preliminary and experimental support for DWARF based
> debugging.
> * `integer-gmp` has been completely rewritten.
> * Type-checking plugins can now extend the type checker.
> * Support for partial type signatures
> * Many bugfixes and other performance improvements.
> * Preliminary support for 'backpack' features like signatures.
> * Typeable is now generated by default for all data types automatically.
> We've also fixed a handful of issues reported since RC3:
> - A bug in the call arity analysis that would result in invalid core
> was fixed (#10176)
> - A bug in the Win32 package causing it to fail to load was fixed
> (#10165) - ghc-prim has (correctly) been bumped to version, to
> comply with the PVP.
> - Several libraries have been bumped to their latest available
> versions after coordination.
> The full release notes are here:
> https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/7.10.1/docs/html/users_guide/release-7-1
> How to get it
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The easy way is to go to the web page, which should be self-explanatory:
> https://www.haskell.org/ghc/
> We supply binary builds in the native package format for many
> platforms, and the source distribution is available from the same
> place.
> Packages will appear as they are built - if the package for your
> system isn't available yet, please try again later.
> Background
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> Haskell is a standard lazy functional programming language.
> GHC is a state-of-the-art programming suite for Haskell. Included is
> an optimising compiler generating good code for a variety of
> platforms, together with an interactive system for convenient, quick
> development. The distribution includes space and time profiling
> facilities, a large collection of libraries, and support for various
> language extensions, including concurrency, exceptions, and foreign
> language interfaces (C, whatever). GHC is distributed under a
> BSD-style open source license.
> A wide variety of Haskell related resources (tutorials, libraries,
> specifications, documentation, compilers, interpreters, references,
> contact information, links to research groups) are available from the
> Haskell home page (see below).
> On-line GHC-related resources
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Relevant URLs on the World-Wide Web:
> GHC home page http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
> GHC developers' home page http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/
> Haskell home page http://www.haskell.org/
> Supported Platforms
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The list of platforms we support, and the people responsible for them,
> is here:
> https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Platforms
> https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/CodeOwners
> Ports to other platforms are possible with varying degrees of
> difficulty. The Building Guide describes how to go about porting to a
> new platform:
> https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building
> Developers
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> We welcome new contributors. Instructions on accessing our source
> code repository, and getting started with hacking on GHC, are
> available from the GHC's developer's site run by Trac:
> https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/
> Mailing lists
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> We run mailing lists for GHC users and bug reports; to subscribe, use
> the web interfaces at
> https://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/glasgow-haskell-users
> https://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/glasgow-haskell-bugs
> There are several other haskell and ghc-related mailing lists on
> www.haskell.org; for the full list, see
> https://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/
> Some GHC developers hang out on #haskell on IRC, too:
> https://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/IRC_channel
> Please report bugs using our bug tracking system. Instructions on
> reporting bugs can be found here:
> https://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug
> Hashes & Signatures
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> On https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/7.10.1/ you will find a signed
> copy of the SHA256 hashes for the tarballs, using my GPG key (0F8F
> 3AA9 9235 C704 ADA0 B419 B942 AEE5 3B58 D86F).
Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology
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