[Haskell-cafe] Applicative of Applicative
Tony Morris
tmorris at tmorris.net
Mon Mar 23 21:50:10 UTC 2015
This package is geared toward your specific question.
On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 7:02 AM, martin <martin.drautzburg at web.de> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been playing with temporal values, i.e. values which change over time
> at discrete points in time. I thought it
> would be good to make it an instance of Applicative and I was pleased with
> the results. I may be re-inventing some of
> frp here, but hey.
> Then I wondered how I would replace one Temporal by another at some point
> in time. Kind of like switching from summer
> schedule to winter schedule. Or switching channels on the TV, where each
> channel is a Temporal Image.
> It seems that by stacking up Temporals in this way, I could theoretically
> start with sample values and abstract my way
> up to a symphony. What is unclear to me is the following: when I have two
> Temporal Ints, I know what (+) <$> does. It
> operates on the Ints. But when I have Temporal Temporal Ints, then the
> function before the <$> would operate on the next
> level, i.e. it has to be a function which accepts a Temporal.
> But a Temporal Temporal Int can always be flattened into a Temporal Int.
> So I may just as well ask to apply a function
> to the bottom level, namely the Ints.
> How to I choose how deep down I want to reach? And any other guidance will
> also be much appreciated.
> Martin
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