[Haskell-cafe] Beginner

Andrew Cowie afcowie at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 21:57:32 UTC 2015


Haskell has a rich and vast ecosystem; there's a lot to learn. Don't worry
about "contributing" just yet; concentrate on the  basics of functional
programming and start exploring the rich libraries and library of papers
studying and evolving the language.

I'm sure you've already found your way to "Learn You a Haskell";
http://learnyouahaskell.com/ is a fun introduction. "Thinking Functionally
in Haskell" by Bird is recently updated and seems quite promising as a
text. From there, hunt down "Functional Pearls" conference papers, and


On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Sarthak Shetty <sarthakshetty1 at gmail.com>

> Hi everyone, this is Sarthak Shetty from India.
> I'm a CSE student who is somewhat comfortable with Java, C, Python and R.
> I would like to learn Haskell and start contributing right away.
> Can someone help me get  started?
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Andrew Frederick Cowie
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