[Haskell-cafe] shakespeare >= 2.0.2 fails to install in OS X 10.6.8, Haskell-platform 2014.2.0.0; cabal-install

Miguel A. Santos miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 20:04:05 UTC 2015

sorry for the late reply. I got Yesod installed and running on my OSX

Before I comment how I did it,  let me start again by thanking you all for
that quick & generous help.
I haven't had the time to try all those different suggestions you all
provided although I'd like to do so
and post the results here if time permits. It seems to me it could be worth
to have a record of it as others
may follow a different choice of these approaches when it comes to
installing&using Haskell -although that's more of wild
guess of mine than an educated one.

I tried again the minimal disruptive approach, that is, keep my HP
installation and try sandboxing yesod.

The quickstart from the yesod site
wouldn't work as I said at the beginning of this thread because the
shakespeare package didn't get built.
That's because those steps suggest installing yesod-bin globally and only
afterwards start the sandbox.
Reversing those steps does the work.

More concretely, what I did was
mkdir yesod
cd yesod
wget --no-check-certificate https://www.stackage.org/lts/cabal.config
cabal update
cabal install alex happy (actually I had these already installed)
cabal sandbox init
cabal install network (see below why)
cabal install primitive-0.6 (idem)
cabal install yesod-bin

And at this point shakespeare built fine and yesod got installed. I went
then further and did
export PATH=./.cabal-sandbox/bin/:$PATH
in order to get yesod running.

yesod init --bare
cabal install -j --enable-tests --max-backjumps=-1 --reorder-goal (probably
not necessary; followed blindly init's suggestion)
cabal install --run-tests
yesod devel

That lead to a minor configuring of FirstWebServer-0.0.0..., which
triggered a recompile of a few libraries and a rebuild of the application
and finally a working Welcome Yesod page at localhost:3000

Trying cabal install yesod-bin right after the sandbox init failed with
file not found .cabal-sandbox/logs/network-
This required thus to install network. Still yesod-bin install failed again
this time complaining about not finding file
.cabal-sandbox/logs/primitive-0.6.log, which in turn required the install
of primitive-0.6. After that yesod-bin installs
without problems.

I did do an additional step before the final cabal install yesod-bin, just
out of despair of the time devoted to it. That step was
chmod +w .cabal-sandbox/
However, I don't think this is relevant at all. But just in case...

Lastly, let me add another suggestion I got from Rahul Muttineni in a
private email. As I believe in giving credit where credit is due, I'll
paste his answer below for others -and me, in the future- to see. After all
I haven't heard of the Nix package manager before.

Again, thanks all!.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 11:43 AM, R. Muttineni wrote

    Hello Miguel,

    I saw that you had trouble installing yesod on your Mac OS on the
haskell-cafe mailing list. I receive the list in digest format, so it's
rather cumbersome for me to respond to your thread as it has an extremely
long length. For now, I'll respond to you personally.

    I suggest you try the Nix package manager. I'm currently running both
yesod and pandoc on the most recent GHC (7.10.1) with no problems. You can
find a tutorial here http://corajr.com/posts/2014/12/22/nix-osx-haskell/.
It's very easy. Just write (or generate with cabal2nix) the default.nix
file and use the nix command line tools and you're on your way. The
packages are built from source so expect it take lots of time. Pandoc will
take many hours, but yesod should finish in a couple.

    If this helped you, please repost this on the mailing list. Don't worry
about quoting me, just provide the link for others to see.

    If you face any issues, feel free to ask me, or you can post it on the
nixpkgs github repository and they'll help you out. If you are going to be
developing a lot in Haskell, I suggest you invest time in getting to know
Nix as it guaranteed to cure cabal hell. Stackage works too, but it doesn't
offer you the flexibility of rebuilding the packages for
profiling/debugging effortlessly as well as using different versions of the
compiler for different packages like it does with Nix. Moreover, nixpkgs
currently supports a majority of Hackage, so you don't have to worry about
losing out.

    Best Regards,
    Rahul Muttineni

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On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Mark Lentczner <mark.lentczner at gmail.com>

> For the record: The problem doesn't occur on OS X 10.10.
> I haven't done the "binary search through OS X releases" dance to find
> where the problem stops being a problem..
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