[Haskell-cafe] UNS: Re: Proposal: Shorter Import Syntax

Kosyrev Serge _deepfire at feelingofgreen.ru
Thu Jun 4 14:43:36 UTC 2015

Alexey Shmalko <rasen.dubi at gmail.com> writes:
> I like Richard's syntax more. The only note is that I'd like to omit
> asterisk when it's last in line. Then the only case when * should be
> stated is something semantically similar to
> import Foo as F
> (which I found silly anyway).
> Here are more examples:
> import Foo qualified            --> import qualified Foo
> import Foo qualified as F       --> import qualified Foo as F
> import Foo (foo) qualified as F --> import Foo as F (foo)
> import Foo * qualified as F     --> import Foo as F

This looks far more comprehensible to me as well, precisely because
I feel like I can assign stable meaning to the words.

> It doesn't seem to break backward compatibility for me (am I wrong?).
> This syntax also fixes alignment of module names in import list. You
> don't need to align anything because all module names are right after
> "import".

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