[Haskell-cafe] ghc-mod: cannot satisfy yesod-static

Denis Shevchenko haskell at dshevchenko.biz
Wed Jul 22 19:04:05 UTC 2015

Hi all!

I'm trying to use ghc-mod with my Yesod-project, but I get this error:

$ ghc-mod
ghc-mod: <command line>: cannot satisfy -package-id 
     (use -v for more information)

My project builds correctly. In my .cabal-file I see this dependency:

build-depends: base                 >= 4          && < 5
                , yesod              >= 1.4.0      && < 1.5
                , yesod-core         >= 1.4.0      && < 1.5
                , yesod-auth         >= 1.4.0      && < 1.5
                , yesod-static       >= 1.4.0      && < 1.5

I use LTS-2.18, and I see this package in 


So, what can I do? Please help me.

         Sincerely, Denis.

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