[Haskell-cafe] ParallelListComp strange behavior
Michael Jones
mike at proclivis.com
Wed Jan 14 20:10:30 UTC 2015
If one of the values in the constructor is a constant value, and not in the generator, is it excluded from the zip or is it also zipping that parameter too?
On Jan 13, 2015, at 5:44 PM, Michael Sloan <mgsloan at gmail.com> wrote:
> In the real code, a number of the lists being zipped have only one
> value, such as suPol, sdPol, fault_other, so the result will have at
> most one value. Like with zip, the length of the resulting list is
> the length of the shortest list. So, [(x,y) | x <- [1] | y <- [1..]]
> == [(1,1)]. Maybe you want normal list comprehensions with "," rather
> than "|"?
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Michael Jones <mike at proclivis.com> wrote:
>> I am trying to use ParallelListComp and have code that compiles but only produces one value, but I am not clear why.
>> The code is something like:
>> gen :: (a -> b) -> [MyType]
>> gen f = [MyType (Just []) (Just c) (Just d) Nothing
>> | c <- f
>> | d <- [1,2,3,4]
>> When the gen function is used with take or any other function, only one value is returned.
>> Is there something here that can’t desugar properly to mzip that will still compile?
>> Note I did not test this specific code, I am just writing it here to represent the different pieces of a larger piece of real code which is below.
>> Mike
>> ———— Real Code ————
>> data Config = Config { onOffControl::Maybe [DEVICE_ON_OFF_CONTROL_BITS]
>> , seqUpPos::[Maybe ([DEVICE_SEQ_UP_POSITION_BITS], Word16)]
>> , seqDownPos::[Maybe ([DEVICE_SEQ_DOWN_POSITION_BITS], Word16)]
>> , tonTimers::[Maybe ([DEVICE_TON_TIMERS_BITS], Word16)]
>> , toffTimers::[Maybe ([DEVICE_TOFF_TIMERS_BITS], Word16)]
>> , vRange::Maybe [DEVICE_V_RANGE_BITS]
>> , vThresh::[Maybe (Word16, Word16)]
>> , rstbConfig::Maybe [DEVICE_RSTB_CONFIG_BITS]
>> , faultResponse::Maybe [DEVICE_FAULT_RESPONSE_BITS]
>> , breakpoint::Maybe ([DEVICE_BREAK_POINT_BITS], Word16)
>> , writeProtect::Maybe ([DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION_BITS], Word16)
>> , specialLot::Maybe Word16
>> , deviceId::Maybe Word16
>> , monitorStatus::Maybe ([DEVICE_MONITOR_STATUS_BITS])
>> , monitorStatusHistory::Maybe ([DEVICE_MONITOR_STATUS_HISTORY_BITS])
>> , monitorBackup::Maybe ([DEVICE_MONITOR_BACKUP_BITS])
>> , seqPosCount::Maybe ([DEVICE_SEQ_POSITION_COUNT_BITS], Word16)
>> generateConfigs seqValues delayValues threshValues = return [Config
>> (Just []) -- On off
>> ([Just (suPol, suPos),Just (suPol, suPos),Just (suPol, suPos),Just (suPol, suPos),Just (suPol, suPos),Just (suPol, suPos)])
>> ([Just (sdPol, sdPos),Just (sdPol, sdPos),Just (sdPol, sdPos),Just (sdPol, sdPos),Just (sdPol, sdPos),Just (sdPol, sdPos)])
>> ([Just ([tonMax], tonDelay),Just ([tonMax], tonDelay),Just ([tonMax], tonDelay),Just ([tonMax], tonDelay),Just ([tonMax], tonDelay),Just ([tonMax], tonDelay)])
>> ([Just ([toffMax], toffDelay),Just ([toffMax], toffDelay),Just ([toffMax], toffDelay),Just ([toffMax], toffDelay),Just ([toffMax], toffDelay),Just ([toffMax], toffDelay)])
>> (Just [rng1, rng2, rng3, rng4, rng5, rng6])
>> ([Just (threshOv, threshUv),Just (threshOv, threshUv),Just (threshOv, threshUv),Just (threshOv, threshUv),Just (threshOv, threshUv),Just (threshOv, threshUv)])
>> (Just ([rst_en] ++ [rst_time]))
>> (Just ([fault_number] ++ [fault_action] ++ [fault_delay] ++ fault_other ++ [fault_count]))
>> (Just ([], 0))
>> (Just ([], 0))
>> (Just 0)
>> Nothing
>> Nothing
>> Nothing
>> Nothing
>> Nothing
>> Nothing
>> | suPol <- [DEVICE_seq_up_position_bits]
>> | suPos <- seqValues
>> | sdPol <- [DEVICE_seq_down_position_bits]
>> | sdPos <- seqValues
>> | tonMax <- DEVICE_ton_timers_bits
>> | tonDelay <- delayValues
>> | toffMax <- DEVICE_toff_timers_bits
>> | toffDelay <- delayValues
>> | rng1 <- DEVICE_v_range_bits1
>> | rng2 <- DEVICE_v_range_bits2
>> | rng3 <- DEVICE_v_range_bits3
>> | rng4 <- DEVICE_v_range_bits4
>> | rng5 <- DEVICE_v_range_bits5
>> | rng6 <- DEVICE_v_range_bits6
>> | threshOv <- threshValues
>> | threshUv <- threshValues
>> | rst_time <- DEVICE_rstb_config_bits_time
>> | rst_en <- DEVICE_rstb_config_bits_en
>> | fault_number <- DEVICE_fault_response_bits_retry_number
>> | fault_other <- [DEVICE_fault_response_bits_other]
>> | fault_count <- DEVICE_fault_response_bits_count
>> | fault_delay <- DEVICE_fault_response_bits_delay
>> | fault_action <- DEVICE_fault_response_bits_action
>> ]
>> generateSeqValues :: IO [Word16]
>> generateSeqValues = do
>> vs <- replicateM 10 (randomRIO (0x0000, 0x03FF))
>> return vs
>> generateDelayValues :: IO [Word16]
>> generateDelayValues = do
>> vs <- replicateM 10 (randomRIO (0x0000, 0x1FFF))
>> return vs
>> generateThreshValues :: IO [Word16]
>> generateThreshValues = do
>> vs <- replicateM 10 (randomRIO (0x0000, 0x00FF))
>> return vs
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