[Haskell-cafe] uu-parsinglib - Greedy Parser
Marco Vassena
marco.vax91 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 13:25:48 UTC 2015
> The thing to do it to use the pList combinator which is greedy (the pList_ng counterpart is non-greedy):
> pContent = Content <$> pList (satisfy (/= '<'))
Checking the source code pList is defined in terms of pFoldr, which uses opt, which eventually is defined in terms of <<|>.
> An even better approach would be to reflect the structure of your HTML in your parser:
> pContent = tag_semantics <$> pOpenTag <*> pContent <* pCloseTag
> In case you re sure about the correctness of your HTML you might want to enforce, by using a monadic construct to check for the closing tag to correspons to the opening tag (note that I am in general not in favour of using monads, since they make the abstrcat interpretation going on expensive):
> pTagged = do t <- pOpentag
> c <- pContents
> pClosetag t
> return (Tagged t c)
> (of course with appropriate definitions for pOpentag and pCloseTag.
Unfortunately in html there are also empty tags, which don't need to be closed. For instance the line-break tag <br>:
<h1> Line break tags are <br> not closed </h1>
The bigger picture is that I am trying to figure out what are the core constructs needed to define a parser, therefore I want to
have a rather abstract interface. In my set of core constructs there are:
<$> : (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> : f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<|> : f a -> f a -> f a -- (symmetric choice)
pure : a -> f a
fail : f a
pToken : f Char
Is it possible to define a parser that applies the longest matching rule using these constructs only?
Or is it necessary to extend it with another primitive, for instance greedy choice <<|> ?
(Note that f is abstract and it is not necessarily uu-parsinglib parsers).
On 13/gen/2015, at 12.22, S. Doaitse Swierstra wrote:
>> On 13 Jan 2015, at 11:57 , Marco Vassena <marco.vax91 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> In the uu-parsinglib the choice combinator (<|>) is symmetric and does not commit to any alternative.
>> If the grammar being parsed is ambiguous, the corresponding parser will fail at run time on an ambiguous input.
>> Consider for instance this html parser.
>> pTag = pOpenTag <|> pCloseTag <|> pCommentTag <|> pContent
>> pContent = Content <$> some (satisfy (/= '<'))
>> pHtml = some pTag
>> This parser will fail on "<a>123</a>", because this may be interpreted as:
>> [ [Open a , Content "123", Close a],
>> [Open a, Content "12", Content "3", Close a],
>> [Open a, Content "1", Content "2", Content "3", Close a] ... ]
>> In other parsing libraries such as parsec the choice operator <|> is greedy and commits to the first alternative that makes
>> any progress, so that some is greedy and Content "123" would be parsed.
>> The operator <<|> in uu-parsinglib has the same greedy behaviour.
>> I would like to disambiguate the grammar so that the first result ([Open a, Content "123", Close a]) is selected (longest matching rule).
>> I suppose that this may be done using <<|> to define a greedySome to be used in in pContent, however I am wondering whether
>> there is another way to do this, without using such operator <<|>.
> The thing to do it to use the pList combinator which is greedy (the pList_ng counterpart is non-greedy):
> pContent = Content <$> pList (satisfy (/= '<'))
> An even better approach would be to reflect the structure of your HTML in your parser:
> pContent = tag_semantics <$> pOpenTag <*> pContent <* pCloseTag
> In case you re sure about the correctness of your HTML you might want to enforce, by using a monadic construct to check for the closing tag to correspons to the opening tag (note that I am in general not in favour of using monads, since they make the abstrcat interpretation going on expensive):
> pTagged = do t <- pOpentag
> c <- pContents
> pClosetag t
> return (Tagged t c)
> (of course with appropriate definitions for pOpentag and pCloseTag.
> Finally the module BasicInstances contains a combinator pMunch which you could have used:
> pContent = Content <$> pMunch (/= '<')
> This is far more efficient since it operates directly at the state.
> Doaitse
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> All the best,
>> Marco
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