[Haskell-cafe] error compiling 24 Days of Hackage: heist
h-o-k-u-m at yandex.ru
Fri Feb 6 12:47:04 UTC 2015
I was trying to compile an example of heist (a template engine) usage
from 24 Days of Hackage: heist, but ended up with an error message:
`hcTemplateLocations' is not a record selector
In the first argument of `initHeist', namely
{hcTemplateLocations = [loadTemplates "templates"],
hcInterpretedSplices = defaultInterpretedSplices}'
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
heist <- initHeist
{hcTemplateLocations = [loadTemplates "templates"],
hcInterpretedSplices = defaultInterpretedSplices})
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`do { heist <- initHeist
{hcTemplateLocations = [loadTemplates
hcInterpretedSplices =
Just (output, _) <- renderTemplate heist "billy";
liftIO . BS.putStrLn . toByteString $ output }'
`hcInterpretedSplices' is not a record selector
In the first argument of `initHeist', namely
{hcTemplateLocations = [loadTemplates "templates"],
hcInterpretedSplices = defaultInterpretedSplices}'
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
heist <- initHeist
{hcTemplateLocations = [loadTemplates "templates"],
hcInterpretedSplices = defaultInterpretedSplices})
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`do { heist <- initHeist
{hcTemplateLocations = [loadTemplates
hcInterpretedSplices =
Just (output, _) <- renderTemplate heist "billy";
liftIO . BS.putStrLn . toByteString $ output }'
It's probably something to do with lenses, but I'm not very familiar
with it. Four hours of googling didn't give me anything on the subject,
so any help?
Here is the code(in the state I left it):
module Main (
) where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Heist
import Heist.Interpreted
import Text.XmlHtml (Node(TextNode), renderHtmlFragment, Encoding(UTF8))
billy :: IO ()
billy = eitherT (putStrLn . unlines) return $ do
heist <- initHeist mempty
{ hcTemplateLocations = [ loadTemplates "templates" ]
, hcInterpretedSplices = defaultInterpretedSplices
Just (output, _) <- renderTemplate heist "billy"
liftIO . BS.putStrLn . toByteString $ output
main = do putStrLn "---"
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