[Haskell-cafe] Make this code more idiomatic?

David Turner dct25-561bs at mythic-beasts.com
Tue Dec 29 10:32:21 UTC 2015

As soon as I sent this, I think I hit on the answer. There's no getting
away from having to write a strategy like this:

evalActualsWith :: Strategy [ActualShift] -> Strategy User
evalActualsWith strat user = do
  actuals' <- strat $ actuals user
  return $ user { actuals = actuals' }

But once I've written that it's a simple case of the following:

parActuals :: Strategy User
parActuals = evalActualsWith $ rparWith $ evalTraversable rseq

updateActuals :: User -> User
updateActuals user = users { actuals = newActuals } `using` parActuals
  where ...

I think that's the same thing, right?


On 29 December 2015 at 09:55, David Turner <dct25-561bs at mythic-beasts.com>

> Hi,
> I'd like to use the Control.Parallel.Strategies machinery to evaluate
> parts of a big record-based data structure in the background. The following
> code is the sort of thing that I've ended up with - it makes a spark that
> forces the actuals field of a user object, in the sense that it forces
> all of the elements to WHNF. (At least, that's what I hope it's doing!)
> updateActuals user = runEval $ do
>   newActuals <- rparWith (evalTraversable rseq)
>               $ calculateActuals user
>   return user { actuals = newActuals }
> However, I'm concerned that runEval is marked as "for Strategy
> programmers" and that I should be using some collection of combinators
> instead of dropping down to this level. But I just can't work out how to
> combine the available combinators to do the same thing. In particular, all
> the articles I've found about this seem to end up adding `using`
> something to the end of one key line of code to achieve near-perfect
> parallelisation, but now that I come to do it myself I'm stuck! I think I'm
> looking for something like:
> updateActuals user = user { actuals = newActuals } `using` ...
> Can anyone help me fill in the blank there?
> Many thanks,
> David
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