[Haskell-cafe] ANN: stack-

Emanuel Borsboom manny at fpcomplete.com
Fri Dec 4 23:57:10 UTC 2015

Release notes:

   - The Stack home page is now at haskellstack.org, which shows the
   documentation rendered by readthedocs.org. Note: this has necessitated
   some changes to the links in the documentation’s markdown source code, so
   please check the links on the website before submitting a PR to fix them.
   - The locations of the Ubuntu
   and Debian
   package repositories have changed to have correct URL semantics according
   to Debian’s guidelines #1378
   <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1378>. The old
   locations will continue to work for some months, but we suggest that you
   adjust your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fpco.list to the new location to
   avoid future disruption.
   - openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise
   packages are now available, thanks to @mimi1vx
   <https://github.com/mimi1vx>. Note: there will be some lag before these
   pick up new versions, as they are based on Stackage LTS.

Major changes:

   - Support for building inside a Nix-shell providing system dependencies
   #1285 <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/pull/1285>
   - Add optional GPG signing on stack upload --sign or with stack sig sign

Other enhancements:

   - Print latest applicable version of packages on conflicts #508
   - Support for packages located in Mercurial repositories #1397
   - Only run benchmarks specified as build targets #1412
   - Support git-style executable fall-through (stack something executes
   stack-something if present) #1433
   - GHCi now loads intermediate dependencies #584
   - --work-dir option for overriding .stack-work #1178
   - Support detailed-0.9 tests #1429
   - Docker: improved POSIX signal proxying to containers #547

Bug fixes:

   - Show absolute paths in error messages in multi-package builds #1348
   - Docker-built binaries and libraries in different path #911
   <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/911> #1367
   - Docker: --resolver argument didn’t effect selected image tag
   - GHCi: Spaces in filepaths caused module loading issues #1401
   - GHCi: cpp-options in cabal files weren’t used #1419
   - Benchmarks couldn’t be run independently of eachother #1412
   - Send output of building setup to stderr #1410

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