[Haskell-cafe] LaTeX question: interpreter examples

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Fri Aug 28 08:51:58 UTC 2015


Am Freitag, den 28.08.2015, 00:19 -0800 schrieb Christopher Howard:
> Hi. I'm doing a lot of Literate Haskell lately, with proofs and
> commentary in each module. I'm not very familiar with LaTeX, but I'm
> learning. (I'm using lhs2tex and texi2pdf.) However, in my 
> commentary,
> I occasionally have blocks of example interpreter interaction, and 
> I'm
> not sure what to do with it. Is there a certain command enclosure 
> that
> would be appropriate? Ideally, it would treat the text like 
> monospace,
> and also preserve line breaks. Example text would be:
> *GCD> extEuclidean 546 2022
> (6,100,-27)
> *GCD> 546 * 100 + 2022 * (-27) == 6
> True
> But this does not come out looking similar in the final output.

I have a hack used for 
where in interpreter sessions, everything is in mono-spaced fonts but the line following a >.

This is the relevant LaTeX code:


\newcommand{\mylabel}[1]{\raisebox{2em}[0pt][0pt]{\makebox[0pt][l]{\makebox[\linewidth][r]{\color{gray}{\sffamily #1}\hspace{1em}}}}\ignorespaces}

\def > ##1^^M{\savedgt{} \li!##1!\par}%
\def ^^M{\par}%

\adjustbox{lap=-\width}{\color{gray}{\sffamily GHCi}\hspace{\fboxsep}\hspace{\fboxrule}}


Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.dehttp://www.joachim-breitner.de/
  Jabber: nomeata at joachim-breitner.de  • GPG-Key: 0xF0FBF51F
  Debian Developer: nomeata at debian.org
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