[Haskell-cafe] Combine `StateT` and `InputT` to maintain state on Ctrl-C interrupt
haskell at stefan-klinger.de
haskell at stefan-klinger.de
Wed Aug 12 14:26:59 UTC 2015
I'm stuck with maintaining a State in a Haskeline program that would
survive an interrupt with Ctrl-C.
The following is a MWE I have distilled out of a bigger project. It
revolves around a simple (I guess) read-eval-print loop using
Haskeline, and a stacked StateT to maintain a state.
This MWE reads a line from the user, calculates its `length`, and adds
the length to an Int forming the state. If the user types the special
input "sleep" the program sleeps for 5 seconds, simulating a longer
computation. Every time the user presses Ctrl-C
* a running computation should be interrupted, or
* when at the prompt, the current input should be cleared.
* In any case, the state must be maintained!
Unfortunately, Ctrl-C also clears the state.
At first I thought I had stacked the `StateT` and `InputT` in the
wrong order. But changing from `InputT (StateT Int IO) ()` to `StateT
Int (InputT IO) ()` seems not to change anything (which really gives
me the creeps).
This message contains both versions (one commented out), they compile
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.10.1
$ ghc --make -Wall -outputdir tmp -o mwe StateMwe.lhs
Example run, comments (`<--...`) added later:
$ ./mwe
type> arglschluargl
Adding length of "arglschluargl"
type> lalala
Adding length of "lalala"
type> <--no input, state unchanged
Adding length of ""
type> sleep
Sleeping 5 seconds...
^C <--Here I have hit C-c
type> <--no input, state unchanged
Adding length of ""
0 <--WRONG: that should be 19
Here we go:
> import Control.Monad.State.Strict
> import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
> import System.Console.Haskeline
> {-
Version one: `StateT` inside `InputT`
> main :: IO ()
> main = evalStateT (runInputT defaultSettings $ noesc repl) 0
This catches an interrupt via Ctrl-C and restarts the passed
> noesc :: MonadException m => InputT m a -> InputT m a
> noesc w = withInterrupt $ let loop = handle (\Interrupt -> loop) w in loop
The read-eval-print loop: EOF terminates, `sleep` delays, and any
other input modifies the integer state.
> repl :: InputT (StateT Int IO) ()
> repl = do x <- getInputLine "\ntype> "
> case x of
> Nothing -> return ()
> Just "sleep"
> -> do outputStrLn "Sleeping 5 seconds..."
> lift . lift . threadDelay $ 5 * 10^(6::Int)
> outputStrLn "...not interrupted"
> repl
> Just t
> -> do outputStrLn $ "Adding length of " ++ show t
> lift $ modify (+ length t)
> v <- lift get
> outputStrLn $ show v
> repl
> -}
> {-
Version two: `InputT` inside `StateT`
> main :: IO ()
> main = runInputT defaultSettings . noesc $ evalStateT repl 0
This catches an interrupt via Ctrl-C and restarts the passed
operation. I suspect that I have to rearrange this to accommodate the
modified stacking, but I could not come up with anything that
> noesc :: MonadException m => InputT m a -> InputT m a
> noesc w = withInterrupt $ let loop = handle (\Interrupt -> loop) w in loop
As above, with `lift` in different places. To get a better
understanding of what's going on, I do not want to use mtl's
lift-to-the-right-monad magic (yet).
> repl :: StateT Int (InputT IO) ()
> repl = do x <- lift $ getInputLine "\ntype> "
> case x of
> Nothing -> return ()
> Just "sleep"
> -> do lift $ outputStrLn "Sleeping 5 seconds..."
> lift . lift . threadDelay $ 5 * 10^(6::Int)
> lift $ outputStrLn "...not interrupted"
> repl
> Just t
> -> do lift . outputStrLn $ "Adding length of " ++ show t
> modify (+ length t)
> v <- get
> lift . outputStrLn $ show v
> repl
> -}
Any help would be welcome...
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