[Haskell-cafe] Class-like features for explicit arguments (was: Ord for partially ordered sets)

Ertugrul Söylemez ertesx at gmx.de
Fri Apr 24 20:26:20 UTC 2015

> 3. NonStrictPoSet, which is the class of all partially ordered
> set-like things, but without the requirement that a <= b and b <= a
> implies a Equal b.

Those are preorders.  An antisymmetric preorder is a non-strict poset.

Also it's difficult to capture all of those various order types in
Haskell's class system.  A type can have many orders and many underlying
equivalence relations in the case of partial and total orders, and there
are different ways to combine them.  For example equality is a partial
order, modular equivalence is a preorder, etc.  Those denote bags and
groups more than sequences or trees.

Perhaps it's time to add a type class-like system to Haskell, but for
explicitly passed arguments:

    record Relation a where
        related :: a -> a -> Bool

        unrelated :: a -> a -> Bool
        unrelated x y = not (related x y)

    func1 :: Relation A -> A -> A -> A
    func1 _ x y = ... related x y ...

    func2 :: Relation A -> Relation A -> A -> A -> A
    func2 r1 r2 x y = ... r1.related x y ... r2.unrelated x y ...

In a lot of cases this is much more appropriate than a type class, and
it would turn many things that are currently types into regular
functions, thus making them a lot more composable:

    down :: Ord a -> Ord a
    down o =
        Ord { compare x y = o.compare y x }
        -- The remaining Ord functions are defaulted.

Perhaps all we need is to generalise default definitions to data types
and add module-like dot syntax for records (mainly to preserve infix
operators).  Formally speaking there is also little that prevents us
From having associated types in those records that can be used on the
type level.

For actual record types (i.e. single-constructor types) we could even
have specialisation and get a nice performance boost that way, if we ask
for it:

    {-# SPECIALISE down someOrder :: Ord SomeType #-}

This would be extremely useful.

> 4. Things like above, but with the requirement of a Zero, with the
> requirement of a One, and the requirement fo both a Zero and a One.

Zero and one as in minBound and maxBound or rather as in Monoid and a
hypothetical Semiring?  In the latter case I believe they don't really
belong into an additional class, unless you have some ordering-related
laws for the zeroes and ones.  If not, you can always simply use an
Ord+Semiring constraint.

There may be some motivation to make Bounded a subclass of Ord though.

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