[Haskell-cafe] Space leak with recursion

Martijn Rijkeboer haskell at bunix.org
Fri Apr 24 10:16:55 UTC 2015

>> Maybe I don't understand, but inside the pollServer function a call to
>> poll is done and on line 47 and 56 of that same function, pollServer is
>> called again (recursive).
> It's fine to call `pollServer` recursively, but it's not fine to
> call it recursively from a handler, i.e. something that occurs in the
> second argument to `poll`.

Clear, my bad. I've just implemented a version with StateT (code below)
and it doesn't leak space as you already expected. Thank you very much
for your help.

Kind regards,

Martijn Rijkeboer

--- code ---

module Observable
    ( run
    ) where

import Control.Monad (forever, void)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, liftIO, put, runStateT)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import System.ZMQ4

data State = State
    { nextSeqNum    :: !Int64
    , listenSocket  :: !(Socket Pull)

run :: IO ()
run = do
    withContext $ \ctx ->
        withSocket ctx Pull $ \observer -> do
            setLinger (restrict (0::Int)) observer
            bind observer "tcp://*:7010"

            let state = State
                    { nextSeqNum = 0
                    , listenSocket = observer

            void $ runStateT pollSockets state
            return ()

pollSockets :: StateT State IO ()
pollSockets = do
    state <- get
    forever $
        void $ poll (-1) [Sock (listenSocket state) [In] (Just

observerHandleEvts :: [Event] -> StateT State IO ()
observerHandleEvts _ = do
    state <- get
    liftIO $ void $ receiveMulti $ listenSocket state
    liftIO $ printSeqNum state
    put $ incrSeqNum state

printSeqNum :: State -> IO ()
printSeqNum state = putStrLn $ show $ nextSeqNum state

incrSeqNum :: State -> State
incrSeqNum state = state{nextSeqNum = currSeqNum + 1}
    where currSeqNum = nextSeqNum state

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