[Haskell-cafe] Space leak with recursion

Martijn Rijkeboer haskell at bunix.org
Fri Apr 24 09:53:50 UTC 2015

> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 11:43:44AM +0200, Martijn Rijkeboer wrote:
>> >> I should have checked the code. Unfortunately the idea to use a
>> >> recursive call to pollSockets comes from the Haskell examples in
>> >> the ZeroMQ guide. So I will probably not be the only one that has
>> >> this issue...
>> >
>> > Strange.  Can you link me to that?
>> An example that uses the pollSockets idea (pollServer):
>> -
>> https://github.com/imatix/zguide/blob/master/examples/Haskell/lpclient.hs
> That's quite different.  `sendServer` is not being called by `poll`.

Maybe I don't understand, but inside the pollServer function a call to
poll is done and on line 47 and 56 of that same function, pollServer is
called again (recursive).

Kind regards,

Martijn Rijkeboer

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