[Haskell-cafe] Space leak with recursion

Martijn Rijkeboer haskell at bunix.org
Fri Apr 24 07:45:28 UTC 2015


> I'm trying to make an observable (code below) that listens to two
> ZeroMQ sockets and publishes the received messages on a third. Every
> message that is received gets an incremented sequence number before it
> is send on the publishing socket. To keep the current sequence number a
> state object is passed to the polling function and after handling the
> message, the polling function is called again with the updated state.
> Unfortunately this recursive calling of the polling function creates a
> space leak. Any suggestions how to fix this?
> Note: for brevity I left the incrementing of the sequence number and
> the sending on the publishing socket out of the code.

As David Feuer pointed out in a private mail, I didn't include all
necessary information:
- OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)
- GHC: 7.8.4 (64-bit) (minghc)
- Zeromq4-haskell: 0.6.3  (Stackage LTS 2.4)
- ZeroMQ DLL: 4.0.4 (64-bit)

The memory usage increases with every message that is received and
is probably due to the recursive pollSockets call, since when I remove
the recursive pollSockets calls in the observerHandleEvts and
snapshotHandleEvts functions and use forever in pollSockets the memory
usage stays constant.

Kind regards,

Martijn Rijkeboer

> --- Code ---
> module Observable
>     ( run
>     ) where
> import Control.Monad (void)
> import Data.Int (Int64)
> import System.ZMQ4
> data State = State
>     { nextSeqNum    :: !Int64
>     , listenSocket  :: !(Socket Pull)
>     , publishSocket :: !(Socket Pub)
>     , snapSocket    :: !(Socket Router)
>     }
> run :: IO ()
> run = do
>     withContext $ \ctx ->
>         withSocket ctx Pull $ \observer ->
>         withSocket ctx Pub $ \publisher ->
>         withSocket ctx Router $ \snapshot -> do
>             setLinger (restrict (0::Int)) observer
>             bind observer "tcp://*:7010"
>             setLinger (restrict (0::Int)) publisher
>             bind publisher "tcp://*:7011"
>             setLinger (restrict (0::Int)) snapshot
>             setSendHighWM (restrict (0::Int)) snapshot
>             bind snapshot "tcp://*:7013"
>             let state = State
>                     { nextSeqNum = 0
>                     , listenSocket = observer
>                     , publishSocket = publisher
>                     , snapSocket = snapshot
>                     }
>             pollSockets state
> pollSockets :: State -> IO ()
> pollSockets state =
>     void $ poll (-1)
>      [ Sock (listenSocket state) [In] (Just $ observerHandleEvts state)
>      , Sock (snapSocket state)   [In] (Just $ snapshotHandleEvts state)
>      ]
> observerHandleEvts :: State -> [Event] -> IO ()
> observerHandleEvts state _ = do
>     void $ receiveMulti $ listenSocket state
>     pollSockets state
> snapshotHandleEvts :: State -> [Event] -> IO ()
> snapshotHandleEvts state _ = do
>     void $ receiveMulti $ snapSocket state
>     pollSockets state

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