[Haskell-cafe] Sum and Product do not respect the Monoid laws

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Tue Sep 23 07:06:26 UTC 2014

On 20/09/2014, at 5:26 AM, Carter Schonwald wrote:

> Indeed, 
> Also Floating point numbers are NOT real numbers, they are approximate points on the real line that we pretend are exact reals but really are a very different geometry all together! :) 

Floating point numbers are *PRECISE* numbers with
approximate *OPERATIONS*.  This is the way they are
defined in the IEEE standard and its successors;
this is the way they are defined in LIA-1 and its
successors.  If you do not understand that it is
the OPERATIONS that are approximate, not the numbers,
you have not yet begun to understand floating point

> Floats and Doubles are not exact numbers, dont use them when you expect things to behave "exact". NB that even if you have *exact* numbers, the exact same precision issues will still apply to pretty much any computation thats interesting (ignoring what the definition of interesting is).  Try defining things like \ x -> SquareRoot x or \x-> e^x  on the rational numbers! Questions of precision still creep in! 

You're not talking about precision here but about
approximation.  And you can simply work with finite representations
of algebraic numbers.  I have a Smalltalk class that implements
QuadraticSurds so that I can represent (1 + sqrt 5)/2 *exactly*.
You can even compare QuadraticSurds with the same surd exactly.
(This all works so much better in Haskell, where you can make
the "5" part a type-level parameter.)

Since e is not a rational number, it's not terribly interesting
that e^x (usually) isn't when x is rational.

If we want to compute with a richer range of numbers than
the rationals, we can do that.  We could, for example, compute
with continued fractions.  Haskell makes that a small matter
of programming, and I expect someone has already done it.

> So I guess phrased another way, a lot of the confusion / challenge in writing floating point programs lies in understanding the representation, its limits, and the ways in which it will implicitly manage that precision tracking book keeping for you.

Exactly so.  There are even people who think the representation
is approximate instead of the operations!  For things like
doubled-double, it really matters that the numbers are precise
and combine in predictable ways.

Interestingly, while floating point addition and multiplication
are not associative, they are not wildly or erratically
non-associative, and it is possible to reason about the results
of operations.

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