[Haskell-cafe] Chaining modifications using (>>>)

martin martin.drautzburg at web.de
Sat Sep 20 01:14:00 UTC 2014

Hello all,

I've been playing with Data.Graph.Inductive, which provides functions to modify a graph. I take these functions and
build something more complex from them. To do so, I have to apply several such modifications one after the other.

I can write this using ($) or (.), but I didn't like to write things backwards (last function to apply comes first), so
I use (>>>) from the Arrows module to chain functions Graph -> Graph (aka GraphTransforms) and my complex function looks
like f >>> g >>> h. To actually build a Graph I have to apply my function to some Graph (often "empty").

This works okay as long as the inidividual functions f,g,h do not need access to the graph. However, there is one
function where I use "pre" (predecessors) and "suc" (succerssors), which need the Graph as a parameter.

groupNodes :: DynGraph gr => (Label,[Node])  -> GraphTransform gr pl
groupNodes (lbl,ids) gr =
    id = head $ newNodes 1 gr
    oldEdgesTo     = [(toOld, old)   | old <- ids, toOld   <- pre gr old] -- <== here "pre"
    oldEdgesFrom   = [(old, fromOld) | old <- ids, fromOld <- suc gr old]
    oldEdges       = oldEdgesTo ++ oldEdgesFrom
    oldEdgesWithin = [ (i,j) | (i,j) <- oldEdges, i `elem` ids, j `elem` ids]
    newEdges       = map (uncurry e0) $ uniq $
                                map (setDest id)  (oldEdgesTo   \\ oldEdgesWithin) ++
                                map (setOrig id)  (oldEdgesFrom \\ oldEdgesWithin)
  in --------------- look here: -----------------------
      insNode (id, (NN lbl))
      >>> delNodes ids
      >>> delEdges oldEdges
      >>> insEdges newEdges
      ) gr

This works, but I don't like the "in" part and I'd rather omit the braces and the gr argument. Without the gr argument
to the whole function this would work, however with the gr I have to kinda eta expand (?) it.

Is there a way I can write this more point free and still have access to gr for pre and suc?

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