[Haskell-cafe] Boolean formula: part2

Dmitry Bogatov KAction at gnu.org
Wed Sep 17 19:48:49 UTC 2014

Hello!  I have following code:

buildFormulas :: [Variable] -> Int -> [Formula]
buildFormulas vars 0 = map Var vars
buildFormulas vars n = join $
    forM [0 .. n - 1 ] $ \i -> do
        x <- buildFormulas vars i
        y <- buildFormulas vars (n - i - 1)
        z <- buildFormulas vars (n - 1)
        let t1 = case z of
              (Negation _) -> []
              _ -> [Negation z]
        t1 ++ [conj x y, impl x y, disj x y]

It is correct, typechecks, but it is insanely slow (calculating
take 35 (buildFormulas [P, Q, R] 5) hangs my computer).

My guess is that it builds too much before returning first results.
Can you suggest more efficent way enumerate formulas of set of variables?

Best regards, Dmitry Bogatov <KAction at gnu.org>,
Free Software supporter, esperantisto and netiquette guardian.
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