[Haskell-cafe] Reversing a fixed-length vector

Cristiano Paris frodo at theshire.org
Tue Sep 9 12:55:31 UTC 2014


I'm playing around with Type Families so I decided to implement a simple
fixed-length Vect of Integers.

Here is my straightforward implementation (ghc 7.8.3):


As you can see, I'm trying to implement a reverse function for my vectors
which guarantees that the output vector is the same size as the input one.
I tried to express this constraint at the type level.

The problem is that I can't have ghc to type check the reverse function in
the non-trivial case:

    Could not deduce (Plus n1 (S m) ~ S (Plus n1 m))
    from the context (n ~ S n1)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 CV :: forall n. Int -> Vect n -> Vect (S n),
               in an equation for ‘vecReverse’
      at vect3.hs:30:13-18
    Expected type: Vect (Plus n m)
      Actual type: Vect (Plus n1 (S m))

Iit has to do with the fact that the type checker can't deduce that:

Plus n1 (S m) ~ S (Plus n1 m) ~ Plus (S n1) m ~Plus n m

I tried to insert the following instance to the family:

Plus n (S m) = S (Plus n m)

but to no avail.

Any clue?



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