[Haskell-cafe] Parallel interruptible computations

Corentin Dupont corentin.dupont at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 20:23:21 UTC 2014

Hi guys,
thanks for the nice answers!
I'll give you a little bit more context: I'm designing an event engine. I
have instances for Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus.
It's like that:

-- | Composable events
data Event a where
   SumEvent       :: Event a -> Event a -> Event a            -- The first
event to fire will be returned.
   AppEvent       :: Event (a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b     -- Both
events should fire, and then the result is returned.
   PureEvent      :: a -> Event a                             -- Create a
fake event. The result is useable with no delay.
   EmptyEvent     :: Event a                                  -- An event
that is never fired.
   BindEvent      :: Event a -> (a -> Event b) -> Event b     -- The first
event should fire, then a second event is created using the result.
   BaseEvent      :: BaseEvent a -> Event a                   -- Embed a
base event.
   ShortcutEvents :: [Event a] -> ([Maybe a] -> Maybe b) -> Event b -- The
function is called each time an event fires, as soon as the result can be
computed from the available data, it is returned, dismissing the events
that haven't fired yet.

instance Functor Event where
   fmap f a = pure f <*> a

instance Applicative Event where
   pure = PureEvent
   (<*>) = AppEvent

instance Alternative Event where
   (<|>) = SumEvent
   empty = EmptyEvent

instance Monad Event where
   (>>=) = BindEvent
   return = PureEvent

instance MonadPlus Event where
   mplus = SumEvent
   mzero = EmptyEvent

The Applicative instance is good if you have two events and you want both
of them to fire ("and"). The Alternative instance is good if you have two
events and you need only one to fire ("or").
But what if you have several events, but you need only a part of them to
fire in order to construct a final result? Say you have 10 events, but the
5 first to fire will give you enough data to construct a result.
You cannot do that with Applicative/Alternative because with Applicative,
you need *all* events results, with Alternative you need *only one*.

That's why I added this primitive "ShortcutEvents" in my DSL, but I'm not
convinced by it. So my questions are:
1. is ShortcutEvents expressible in term of
2. if not is their a well known typeclass that covers this case?
3. if not is their a better way to write it? I especially don't like the
list of Event, I'd prefer a more generic writing. What if I want a
structure containing the events, instead of a list? What if I want event of
various types (say a pair (Event a, Event b) for example)?

Note that I'm not working with streams of events (like in traditional FRP
frameworks): just with single events (the "BaseEvents") that I want to
combine with each other. Those "BaseEvents" will fire only once. The final
result of the combination of events will trigger a callback.

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