[Haskell-cafe] ISO 8601 Date time format without old-locale?

Bram Neijt bneijt at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 17:02:12 UTC 2014

I want to do ISO8601 formatting of a date with a numeric zone offset
and I can't seem to find a way of doing it without requiring the
old-locale package[1].

What is the current method of obtaining and formatting time
representation if old-locale is old?



[1] A sketch of the code using old-locale:
-- 2014-11-18T06:37:04+00:00
iso8601DateTimeFormat :: String
iso8601DateTimeFormat = "%FT%T%z"

main = do
  now <- getCurrentTime
  putStrLn $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale iso8601DateTimeFormat now

Which requires "defaultTimeLocale" from the old-locale package.

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