[Haskell-cafe] Using wreq Session handling in a monad transformer stack

Cody Goodman codygman.consulting at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 21:08:17 UTC 2014

Could I somehow add a Wreq.Session.Session to my monad transformer
stack? Should I use something other than Wreq? How would I create a
default Session, Wreq doesn't seem to export the constructor.
Basically I want to achieve Sessions/cookie handling.

lpaste of my code:

my full code (for those who want to view in email):

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Scraper.State where

import           Control.Lens                     ((^.))
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class           (liftIO)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as ST
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy             as LBS
import           Data.Maybe                       (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text                        as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO                     as TIO
import           Network.Wreq                     (FormParam (..))
import qualified Network.Wreq                     as Wreq
import           Network.Wreq.Session             (Session (..), withSession)
import qualified Network.Wreq.Session             as Sesh
import           Network.Wreq.Types
import           Safe
import           Text.HTML.DOM                    (parseLBS)
import           Text.XML.Cursor
import qualified Text.XML.Cursor.Generic          as CG

data ScraperState =
  PS { currentOptions :: Wreq.Options
     , currentHtml    :: LBS.ByteString
     , currentCursor  :: Maybe Cursor
     , currentSession :: Session
     } deriving (Show)

type Scraper = ST.StateT ScraperState IO

toCursor = fromDocument . parseLBS

initialSt =
  PS { currentOptions = Wreq.defaults
     , currentHtml = ("" :: LBS.ByteString)
     , currentCursor = Nothing
     -- , currentSession = ... how do I get a Session? Wreq doesn't
seem to export this type

setCurrentOptions :: Wreq.Options -> Scraper ()
setCurrentOptions o = do
   scraper <- ST.get
   ST.put $ scraper { currentOptions = o }

-- getCurrentPage :: Shpider Page
getCurrentCursor :: Scraper (Maybe Cursor)
getCurrentCursor = do
   scraper <- ST.get
   return $ currentCursor scraper

getCurrentSession :: Scraper (Session)
getCurrentSession = do
   scraper <- ST.get
   return $ currentSession scraper

setCurrentSession :: Session -> Scraper ()
setCurrentSession s = do
   scraper <- ST.get
   ST.put $ scraper { currentSession = s}

setCurrentCursor :: Cursor -> Scraper ( )
setCurrentCursor c = do
   scraper <- ST.get
   ST.put $ scraper { currentCursor = Just c }

setCurrentHtml :: LBS.ByteString -> Scraper ()
setCurrentHtml html = do
   scraper <- ST.get
   ST.put $ scraper { currentHtml = html }

runScraper :: Scraper a -> IO a
runScraper k = evalScraperWith k initialSt

evalScraperWith :: Scraper a -> ScraperState -> IO a
evalScraperWith k s = withSession $ \sesh -> do
  -- set the current session to the mutable session variable
  return $ setCurrentSession sesh
  ST.evalStateT k s

formShortInfo' f = formInfo'
    go Nothing = "N/A"
    go (Just x) = x
    formInfo = (headMay . attribute "name" $ f, headMay . attribute
"action" $ f)
    formInfo' = (\(x,y) -> (go x, go y)) formInfo

ppTuple :: (T.Text, T.Text) -> T.Text
ppTuple = \(x,y) -> "[" <> x <> "]" <> ": " <> y

-- move to ../Spider.hs
printFormNames :: Scraper ()
printFormNames = do
  c <- getCurrentCursor
  let c' = fromMaybe (error "No cursor set") c
      forms = c' $// element "form"
      formInfo = map (ppTuple . formShortInfo') forms
  liftIO $ mapM_ (TIO.putStrLn) formInfo

getFormByName :: T.Text -> Scraper [Cursor]
getFormByName name = do
  c <- getCurrentCursor
  let c' = fromMaybe (error "No cursor set") c
  return $ c' $// element "form" >=> attributeIs "name" name

get :: String -> Scraper (LBS.ByteString)
get url = do
  r <- liftIO $ Wreq.get url
  let html = r ^. Wreq.responseBody
  setCurrentHtml html
  setCurrentCursor (toCursor html)
  return html

post :: Postable a => String -> a -> Scraper (LBS.ByteString)
post url params = do
  r <- liftIO $ Wreq.post url params
  let html = r ^. Wreq.responseBody
  setCurrentHtml html
  setCurrentCursor (toCursor html)
  return html

test :: Scraper ()
test = do
  get "https://www.google.com" >> printFormNames

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